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Messages - HarmySandwhich

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General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / It's leaked
« on: September 26, 2007, 09:06:35 am »
The One. YES! She's done the alternate version of the One - ie. not the one recorded live @ The Living Room. It's the one she recorded in Japan and there are violins!

>.< I don't like Stevie Nick's vocals

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / It's leaked
« on: September 26, 2007, 09:05:13 am »
Come Undone is beautiful I think. You guys will love the piano in it. The drumming pattern reminds me of Nolita Fairytale.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / It's leaked
« on: September 26, 2007, 08:59:55 am »
I'm listening to My Best at the moment. It's a really nice melody and i'm thinking that this song really reminds me of John Mayer. I'm sorry it's only a brief comment but I promise i'll provide a full review.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / It's leaked
« on: September 26, 2007, 08:55:50 am »
Spring Street is quite nice and it actually reminds me of a really Beatles song to be completely honest. I think it's going to take me more than a couple of listens to for me to be completely certain whether I like it or not. A first listen, i'd rate it a 6/7/10.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / It's leaked
« on: September 26, 2007, 08:53:35 am »
Quote from: "kaysha"
Yea, since like harmonium leaked before the cd release we took a similar stance.  You can discuss the songs and even post about it being leaked but no links *to* the actual CD or where to download.  What we have no control over is people PMing each other and/or posting on their personal sites.

Kaysha ^

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / It's leaked
« on: September 26, 2007, 08:51:05 am »
Guys, Guys - Put Your Hands on me has a drum beat to it! There's an orchestra to it too! God - guys. It's amazing! She plays a lot of stacata.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / It's leaked
« on: September 26, 2007, 08:47:48 am »

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / It's leaked
« on: September 26, 2007, 08:45:49 am »
Quote from: "kaysha"
i was thinking maybe we want to make the topic less conspicuous? :)

Check pm


General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / It's leaked
« on: September 26, 2007, 08:41:29 am »
I'm not quite so sure guys. I mean, this is a fansite and I don't think K will be pleased.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / It's leaked
« on: September 26, 2007, 08:36:30 am »

7 minutes till download is complete

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / It's leaked
« on: September 26, 2007, 08:16:21 am »
On Oink.

For those of you who don't have Oink [Sorry - I don't have any invites as i'm user+ status]

I am just going to post what Will said here so everyone sees it and knows what's up.

Don't ask for the leak. We can't condone the illegal trading of music. We can't control whatever you do via PMs and IMs and ask that you keep any requests in those channels and off this board. You don't have to ask for someone to PM you, either. See that button by the person's post that says PM? Click it if you want to talk to them in private!

Any post requesting the leak will be taken out of this thread. :)


General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Heroes & Thieves Tracklist
« on: September 13, 2007, 11:24:45 am »
I think you guys should seriously give it up. I mean, it's not on there and no matter how much we whine, it's not going to change - get over it. If you are pissed off you don't need to start a whole new thread about it when the Heroes & Thieves Tracklist thread would suffice.

Personally, I don't see it as anything special. I'm actually glad it's not on there. It was a good track but I don't think it would do well on the album.

Quote from: "PianoPlayer12"
Quote from: "HarmySandwhich"
Question: Why does it say Motown Records as the label of Heroes and Thieves?  8O

Because i think The Inc is part of Motown Records...

Ah - thanks. I had no idea  :lol:

I pre-ordered it as well. Thank You for the link. I am eternally grateful.

Question: Why does it say Motown Records as the label of Heroes and Thieves?  8O Must be a typo.

Sorry for my recent hiatus. I haven't been on the boards lately but i'll make up for that. Anyway, I wrote a small review for this book on another forum so I'll just paste what I wrote. I assume we're allowed to spoil now, right?


I just finished the book and I've got to say that I thought it was quite worse than a lot of the books in the series. I felt that it lacked a little more planning than the others and it seemed there were more happenings that were "God-like" that could not be thwarted, which more or less shaped the ending of the book. Well, as JK says, we cannot explain what happens all the time in the wizarding world or whatever.
I was a little suprised to see no mention of the Mysterious Corridor when they were in the Ministery of Magic because I thought that was a major occuring theme taken from the Order of the Phoenix. Simply said, the visions that Harry had of Voldamort, I thought would be of him in the corridor doing something.

I thought that the Battle of Hogwarts was pretty unrealistic. I'm sure Students would have been no match for experienced DeathEaters. Granted, not all of them were but it seems difficult to imagine - if i'm not mistaken, Harry didn't teach all that in the D.A. On second thoughts could it have been "Mad Eye" who taught the DATDA class the Killing curse, when he was using it on the spiders? I have forgotten what really happened.
About Lilly's eyes: JK said it was really important that Harry had her eyes. I don't think it was that important. What I thought was strange was that Petunia had a chance to go to Hogwarts - and I was so sure she was a squib.

Hmm...Snapes love for Lilly? Old news, I had thought that ever since the first book because of his unexplained anger at Harry [the son of James who he envied from the start and who got Lilly in the end]. My thoughts were reinforced ever since we saw Snape's memory of him calling Lilly a Mudblood. I had always know his true allegiance to be with Bumblebee.
Now, Bumblebee's selfish ways I didn't see. That came as a shock, I admit that and I refused to believe Rita's journal on the Life and Lies of Bumblebee, even though at the end they turned out to be only half-truths.

Overall, I think this Harry Potter book is an enjoyable read. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it and everything but I just thought it was no where nearly as good as the previous 5 and in my opinion, was on par with the Philosopher's Stone. I would assume that JK really didn't know how to end the Half Blood Prince and about the Horcruxes. Even though she knew what the ending would eventually be [the ending of the whole series], I thought she was a little careless at writing the end of the Half Blood Prince. In short, she didn't know how to start the Deathly Hallows and the whole journey without Hogwarts. I would assume, this book was the worse planned book in the series and I think she might feel the same way - the story was haphazard. She's probably full of regrets. I'm sure i'm not the only one to say that the chapter, "Nineteen Years Later", was much Stilton and other cheese products. I give this book 4/5.

I will definitely miss not reading about Harry Potter anymore but JK says, never say never. I would like to thank the stupid, major-league ass who spoilt the book for me on the forums with a misleading title. Because of that I knew 2 of the most important spoilers - the one on Fred and the one about Snape [I would assume it's okay to say spoilers now since it's been almost a week and I know no one would click this thread if they haven't and wanted to read the book]. I had been sure Draco would have been the one to die and I knew from interviews with JK that Harry would not die and that Bumblebee was indeed dead.

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