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Messages - HarmySandwhich

Pages: 1 ... 11 12 [13] 14 15 ... 22
Thanks for the new concerts. You're welcome to use the audio files I ripped from the concerts - VH1, Bitter End etc anytime [so that you can actually listen to the files on an mp3 on the train or something rather than watch it]


Well, at least one of you guys can see it. Try Firefox guys.

Quote from: "PianoPlayer12"
Quote from: "FrenzyBanana"
Quote from: "PianoPlayer12"

favor plss

can you play papa and post it in youtube
cause i cant play it well...maybe you do and i want to watch and learn it from you...not a tutorial or how to play... just play it and focus the camera to your hands and please show yourself i want to see you, a 14yrs old piano player

papa is the hardest song of vanessa to play in piano

no problem to me if you dont looking forward to your website :D

i plan on making a new youtube account and posting a bunch videos on it...but i cant make the recordings until next wekk because everone is home this week so its never quiet...hahahahaha
yup i will for sure record papa....its really fin to play :)

well keep checking back..i finished the sheet music i just have to finsh the samll sections ;)

Be careful. I had 64 Nessa videos on Youtube before they fucking shut me down!


Quote from: "PianoPlayer12"
Quote from: "HarmySandwhich"

I need to do a little bit more updating though. Most Audio is there.

for some reason your site never works for me...all it says is Heroes and Thieves a fansite with a pic of V as a ballerina in th background...when i click on Heroes and Thieves a fansite it just loads up th same page again...u know why??

 :? Dammit. You're the third person to say that. I really have no idea why you guys can't see it. I've tried about 5 different computers and I can always see it. This is what I see right at the moment:

Can anyone help me out here and say whether they can see it or not. I'd really appreciate it.


I need to do a little bit more updating though. Most Audio is there.


I stumbled across this while looking for something else. It's pretty cool. I've never seen it before.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / RATING OF NOLITA FAIRYTALE
« on: July 09, 2007, 11:32:21 am »
7 or 8 stars.

Completely Off-Topic / 777
« on: July 07, 2007, 11:23:49 am »
Well, it's the anniversary of the July 7th Bombings in London. I was praying that nothing like that would happen today, especially after the failed Bombings of London recently.

FAQ / Board Issues / We have a spambot on the site
« on: July 07, 2007, 05:49:09 am »
Quote from: "PianoPlayer12"
hmm....i havent seen any of these things yet....what are they?? ads??

They're called spambots. Basically, companies receive royalty money if they help advertise for other sites. Webowners pay these companies money, who run scripts to create spambots. These spambots automatically sign onto forums - any forum to advertise. They can't repond back. On we have millions coming from Russia and Turkey which wholesales cell phones, musical instruments etc. There must be something on this forum which fuels the advertising of viagra  :lol:

FAQ / Board Issues / We have a spambot on the site
« on: July 06, 2007, 04:32:53 pm »
And another:

You guys don't mind if we report them here do you? If you consider it somewhat of an annoyance, please tell me and i'll stop  :lol:

Quote from: "charmed_one"
Um can I have the audio and/or video of V playing The One live at the Living Room?

It's on my other computer at the moment. I'm on my Laptop now. Can you wait until tonight so I can rip it for you?

Completely Off-Topic / Re: Your account has been permanently disabled
« on: July 06, 2007, 03:45:23 am »
Quote from: "MeganJane"
Quote from: "HarmySandwhich"
I got my Youtube Channel permanently disabled along with all my Vanessa Carlton videos due to infringement :cry:. Dammit. I suppose I had it coming. I've set up a new account: NessasUnicorn but I don't think i'm going to upload any Nessa stuff otherwise the channel will be disabled again.

That sucks... what videos did you have up?


Just about every Nessa Video there is - VH1 including Acess, AOL Sessions [both of them], Pleased to Meet You, about 3/4 concerts, the new songs etc. Thanks for suscribing to me Livia. I can't do it up all again unfortunately.

FAQ / Board Issues / We have a spambot on the site
« on: July 05, 2007, 09:25:36 am »
The SPAMbots are back [again]  :lol:

Completely Off-Topic / Your account has been permanently disabled
« on: July 05, 2007, 02:15:05 am »
I got my Youtube Channel permanently disabled along with all my Vanessa Carlton videos due to infringement :cry:. Dammit. I suppose I had it coming. I've set up a new account: NessasUnicorn but I don't think i'm going to upload any Nessa stuff otherwise the channel will be disabled again.


According to this site [27th June 2007], here are confirmed tracks. Aha! The One is confirmed to be on there!

    *  Nolita Fairytale
    * Hands On Me
    * Home
    * Heroes And Thieves
    * The One
    * Fools Like Me
    * Spring Street
    * My Best

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