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Messages - VanessaPiana

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Live Shows / 3/10/2005: Exit/In - Nashville, TN (review)
« on: January 10, 2006, 04:08:03 pm »
thanks a lot!!! :wink:

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Vanessa in Febs Teen Vogue
« on: January 10, 2006, 04:00:23 pm »
Quote from: "VanessaPiana"
Quote from: "abbottANDcostello"
Also, you have to think about how many times Vanessa probably got told that she wasn't pretty enough to be a young female musician, especially in the pop scene.  I think Vanessa's first album came out slightly after Michelle Branch's, but they were pretty close together, and that was at a time when the only young females getting the attention in mainstream pop were girls who looked like Britney and Christina and what-not.  I can imagine if that was the case, and Vanessa got told she wasn't pretty enough, that could cause some resentment toward girls who are overly vain.  

Vanessa is beautiful to me. A record executive told her so one time [she elaborated on 'Dateline NBC' 3 years ago]. But he wanted her to be a sexpot, and she wasn't havin' that, so 'needless to say, she never got a phone call back'. She didn't specify, but it's likely that he put her under the condition that 'if you want a record deal then you'll have to go to bed with me'. And Van just stated very bluntly that 'I'm not here for that'; she only wanted a record deal, b/c it was all about the music for her.

Vanessa [and Alicia Keys] would also be a good role models for flat-chested girls. She's proud of it, b/c she doesn't seem the least bit self-concious and insecure about her small chest. I mean, me and her are the same cup size! We're a part of the Itty Bitty Tit Commitee. :wink: She said that there was no way in hell that she would get implants, b/c someone suggested it.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Vanessa in Febs Teen Vogue
« on: January 09, 2006, 05:56:12 pm »
Quote from: "abbottANDcostello"
Also, you have to think about how many times Vanessa probably got told that she wasn't pretty enough to be a young female musician, especially in the pop scene.  I think Vanessa's first album came out slightly after Michelle Branch's, but they were pretty close together, and that was at a time when the only young females getting the attention in mainstream pop were girls who looked like Britney and Christina and what-not.  I can imagine if that was the case, and Vanessa got told she wasn't pretty enough, that could cause some resentment toward girls who are overly vain.  It could also cause her to be prideful of the fact that she did indeed make it as a popular artist and she didn't have to wear a school girl outfit or roll around in the sand in her first video.

"Boastful," maybe.  But maybe deservedly so. 8)

Vanessa is beautiful to me. A record executive told her so one time [she elaborated on 'Dateline NBC' 3 years ago]. But he wanted her to be a sexpot, and she wasn't havin' that, so 'needless to say, she never got a phone call back'. She didn't specify, but it's likely that he put her under the condition that 'if you want a record deal then you'll have to go to bed with me'. And Van just stated very bluntly that 'I'm not here for that'; she only wanted a record deal, b/c it was all about the music for her.

Creative Endeavors / My piano recordings :: check out the new one's!
« on: January 08, 2006, 03:42:10 pm »
They sound really good. C'est La Vie sounds classical. Afterglow sounds like the 'Nice To Meet You' version. A few others I don't really recognize.  What brand of piano did you use?

Quote from: "medic0803"
ok.. this might be off topic.. hehehe.. but I just finished my 1st transcription... yumi yumi  :D

what is it?

thank you. but whoever said that this arrangement had mistakes, they were right; it does. But if I had the software, then I would correct them. The person who created this would've saved a lot of room had they put up the 'repeat' symbolys. But other than that, it's accrurate. I'm putting this one on my demo.

Creative Endeavors / My piano recordings :: check out the new one's!
« on: January 07, 2006, 02:08:00 pm »
Thank you. I wish people would post their recordings more up here instead of the Creative Corner, b/c hardly anyone goes there.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Vanessa in Febs Teen Vogue
« on: January 07, 2006, 02:07:04 pm »
Quote from: "milla"
I don't really understand what she's talking about with the body thing, i mean it's not as if running 40 miles a week would make you morbidly obese...and she DOES look model thin.


She doesn't look model-thin to me. Well, at least she actually has some meat on her bones. I guess the camera adds pounds, as usual.

Hey, Baronessa!!! Where have you been all this time, girl?

But there's already a website that has your version of Papa up there in ACROBAT PDF format. Here it is:

Can anyone locate 'Superhero', b/c it's a pretty song. It's unlikely, but I hope Vanessa re-records it sometime in the future.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Vanessa in Febs Teen Vogue
« on: January 04, 2006, 01:27:59 pm »
I saw this little article this past weekend at Kroger's. While I applaud Vanessa for not being super-thin like all the other stupid Hollywood starlets who lie through their teeth about starving themselves, she sounded a little boastful. 3 lbs. of muscle sure ain't much. So what? But maybe it's her way of telling these starving girls that they're stupid for what they're doing to themselves, and I couldn't agree more.

you know, whoever created these transcribsions, it would've been a lot more convenient if the lyrics were added along with the notes; it would make the song easier to learn.

Quote from: "beerto"
Why doesn't somebody do an accurate version of pretty baby?? :D

you might want to go to this website and e-mail the person who transcribes all kinds of music:

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Re: Pretty Baby
« on: January 03, 2006, 05:53:55 pm »
I would, but I don't know the songbook version yet, plus I don't have to software to do it with.

There are 2 commercial versions of Pretty Baby, and the European version is pretty, and you can hear the piano riffs better, too, and that's why It would be easy to transcribe.

these don't show up. This was the version of 'All I Ask' that I wanted, b/c it's the simplified version.

Quote from: "blueglove"
Quote from: "beerto"
your welcome...
 I want
Private Radio (page 2) (transcribed By Steve Monna):

Just bumping this, b/c the songbook version sucks.

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