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Messages - liquidblue244

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General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / LALALA
« on: January 15, 2007, 08:06:13 pm »
She sings a llot of the song, I thought it would be like in Big Yellow Taxi where she just sang they mmmm-bop-bops....

I hope people don't forget about the song by the time his album comes out. Then they'll forget V was a part of this song.

Vanessa Songs / Lyrics / Sheet Music / Heroes & Theives...
« on: January 15, 2007, 08:02:36 pm »
What if Vanessa leaked it for us in spite of her record company?! What if someone is going to leak all her songs before the album?! Would she even Heroes and Theives on the album, cuz if she does it's going to be the same as the title!!!!! She wouldn't release it as a single would she?!! love these conspiracy theories! :P

The version is beautiful, it sounds very studio-ish, perphaps it is just a B-side....Hmmm......I love it, regardless of what it yeah, I think it sounds good acoustic.

What if V did actually leak it on purpose...
At least now we have a clear version to give to our friends to listen to so they can love Vanessa too!

Polls / Best and Worst Songs of 2006
« on: January 13, 2007, 02:06:41 pm »
Promiscious-boy wrote:
my idols like Vanessa, Dido, Nelly (Furtado, I'm assuming?), Shannon, James Blunt, Damien Rice...

I really don't like COMMERCIAL MUSIC..

Yeah, aren't all those people extremely commercial...I mean c'mon? DIDO! JAMES BLUNT?!'re fuckin' stupid, and BTW, Kelly Clarkson is amazing even if she doesn't write her songs.

Best Songs of 2006:
Regina Spektor - That Time
The Arctic Monkeys - I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor
Vanessa Carlton - Heroes & Theives

Worst Songs of 2006:
Gnarlz Barkley - Crazy
Chain Hang Low - Jibbs (SUCKS THE BIG ONE)
Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Dani California

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Glide
« on: January 13, 2007, 01:52:13 pm »
Yeah, she sounds so much hotter now....Sometimes she sounds a little nasally, but her voice as been amazing recently, like Cavin said, she sorta glides now when she sings, it's hot.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Huh?
« on: January 13, 2007, 01:45:19 pm »
Why would he put out a single so early, then release his album about six months later? That doesn't make sense...

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / August 16th 1980
« on: January 08, 2007, 07:05:20 pm »
How 'bout the day she was born August 16th 1980? That's pretty important....

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Adapt
« on: January 02, 2007, 07:25:07 pm »
Personally I think it is good for Vanessa, like these other people said, she  is making a business move, the aim for this single is to reach the "black community" (remember White Chicks, "This is the whitest song ever!") that way she can make more fans. I think the song is catchy, and not all songs on the radio are crappy. I guess it just depends on what you like, if you don't like Vanessa's new stuff because it's not her or whatever bullshit, then that's your own fault, not hers, people change over the year, we can't all stay the same. If V is dabbling into different things - oh well. And I DO NOT think she is WHORING herself to Irv. She is making a business move, as is Irv. It's not whoring yourself if you sign with someone who is going to help your career....IDK that's just my take and I just get pissed when people....oh well. (Nevermind) I just think change is a good thing, and if you don't like it then, ADAPT.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Tempe
« on: January 01, 2007, 03:35:55 pm »
I totally did NOT go, but I wanted to sooo bad, I was closer to it than I thought, like an hour or two away from the event.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / MAKELOVETOME PLEASE!
« on: January 01, 2007, 03:34:48 pm »
IDK, I like it kinda, it doesn't really sound like her....She sounds really different in this one. It's kinda catchy though, I love the snyths in the background.

« on: December 28, 2006, 08:03:01 pm »
Being gay is NOT  a choice, people don't choose to be gay, and anyone who says it's a choice can take it up with me, those people are ignorant. Anyone who thinks it's a choice, try it and see if you turn gay, you won't. Cuz, if we could do that, I'd be straight already...

Other Musicians / Bajonka
« on: December 24, 2006, 02:03:06 pm »
Bjork - Icelandic

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Premonition...
« on: December 22, 2006, 02:43:34 pm »
You know, I've noticed some similarities between Vanessa Carlton & Fiona Apple, I've noticed that both their first albums did exceptionally well, they became "famous" and reached commercial success, however with their second albums, did pretty dismal, though both were very exceptional albums (music wise) but didn't do good commercially, then Fiona made her comback with Extraordinary Machine, the album was named after a song, she also had some guy who produced rap music produce her album, and then she was back....Now we see Vanessa, she gets a rap producer, names the album after a song, and she makes a comeback!  It was just something interesting I noticed....that's all.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / So nice of you
« on: December 17, 2006, 07:03:09 pm »
Oh, I love how considerate you are Cavin  :roll:  Whatever, it's gone.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Cavin
« on: December 16, 2006, 01:26:43 pm »
Thanks for sticking up for me Manda, it's not that Cavin stole it from me, we're just having a tiff at the moment, that's all.  Oh and Cavin, I love how you totally edited your comment earlier from what you said before to how are you...makes me look bad. Thanks...

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Oh Cavin
« on: December 15, 2006, 09:02:21 pm »
Yeah, totally  :roll:  Don't you think that's my damn business and not yours, you fucking asshole.

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