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Messages - VanessaPiana

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you're welcome. just go to this link for sheet music, and you'll probably find stuff you've been looking for for a long time.


sometimes this website ^^^ either don't show up or is littered with SPAM [which is sometimes pornographic] b/c the website is being updated regularly.

Quote from: "PianoPlayer12"
Thanks for all the GREAT sheet music. Umm, i know Twilight is only like 5 notes, but do u think u could make the sheet music for it please...Thanks  :D

I posted the link on the last page.

But can anyone transcribe a more accurate version of HAWBTW, b/c the songbook version sucks, b/c some of it follows the vocal melody, which I hate.


General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / The songs that make you cry
« on: November 18, 2005, 01:20:02 pm »
Quote from: "NESSAussie"
Afterglow :cry: the girl I had a crush on at work the last 5 weeks graduated as
a teacher and is bound for Dubai in just 19 hours, a mere 6499.05 NM away!

Afterglow got to me when i first bought 'Harmonium'. Especially when the music crescendos, then suddenly softened, and Vanessa vocalizes.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / The songs that make you cry
« on: November 16, 2005, 03:05:25 pm »
i got a little emotional last night when I listened to Van's 'The One'; I've never heard her sing that pretty before. Her piano got to me, too. I've always loved the key of Eb Major.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / playing 'Best Behaviour'
« on: October 31, 2005, 04:53:10 pm »
Dear Milla,

well, there's hope. when i first printed out 'Who's To Say' back in May, i gave up on the song, b/c i though the rhythm was too tricky. but when i picked it back up 2 or 3 weeks ago, i tried it out again, and EUREKA! i finally learned how to play the song! 'cause lord knows, i've wanted tio for so long.

i didn't bother to ask for any advice for how to play the song, b/c learning how to play it was something i had to figure out on my own. i thought the notes were all wrong and out of place, but they weren't. so my advice to you is to either improvise if the notes are too tricky, [that's what i do and it works, and that's what an artist does; takes someone else's work and makes it their own] or just practice, practice, practice, and don't give up. persistence does wonders! :D


The Wreckage is pretty accurate, too. i promise you that you won't be disappointed. i have most of the song down by ear, even though i've only printed out the first page.

and could anyone tell me where the simplified version of 'All I Ask' is? not Phu's version, but the other simplified version.


thank you for that version of 'C'est La Vie, even though i thought that the songbook version was fine [from what i could tell on the Scorch Software]. i promised i wouldn't come back here until there was some new material, and here it is! lord knows i need to learn some new stuff. [and just in case some of you are wondering, no, i don't have either one of  Van's songbooks. i'm too poor for that right now.] :)

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / This sucks...
« on: October 25, 2005, 07:58:36 pm »
Quote from: "clamicas"
^I agree.

I don't think it's fair for the author to compare both  because their styles are soo different.Just because they are women with the same instrument they fall into the same category and get compared. :roll:

But I've played both vc's and ak's songbooks and I think alicia keys's songs are harder to play and her vocals and her range are amazing. So I think she deserves the credit she gets. Vanessa is amazing because she is the way she is, she is that pure music we know without fitting any label. No reason to say Alicia is not good,no reason to say Vanessa is not good, they are both amazing and just because one person made an unfortunate comparision in a review doesn't mean we have to pick sides and bash Alicia.I think there is plenty of space for both styles and musicians and I'm sure that guy has never even picked up vc's album to really listen to her songs.. :roll:

i strongly agree with you on that one. Alicia's songs are more difficult to play. the only song i've learned out of 'The Diary of Alicia Key's is 'If I Ain't Got You, b/c it's the easiest song to play. i even had to improvise and make the song my own, b/c the arrangment sucked, and as usual with a lot of songbooks, the vocal part followed the piano part. as a result, it took me longer to learn the song. but i'm not complaining, b/c that's what an artist does; take the work of another artist and makes it their own.

as for Alicia and Van, i love them both. they got me into the piano to start with. so i feel no hasty competition between them.

Alicia Keys''Butterflyz' is very much like WTSHNN in the sense that even if someone were to transcribe it, you couldn't play it as a solo as good as a song as it is. both the bass and treble melodies are really hard to play simultaneously, b/c there's just too many sixteenth notes in them. if you're curious about the arrangement, then go to and you'll see what i'm talking about. just check under Alicia's name. they're in alphabetical order.

Quote from: "phu"
greensleeves is still working for me...

maybe you should add that to your sheetmusic archives to make life easier...

thank you, Medic for that tip... it's greatly appreciated. you don't know how long i've waited to play a jazzy, warm-sounding song like that on a mellow-sounding piano. i could kick myself [or y'all] for not telling me sooner.

well for the European version of Pretty Baby, some of the parts are pretty easy to play by ear, b/c the notes are individual and clear.

i wish someone would do [or redo] Greensleeves, b/c the version that someone put up doesn't work on some computers. maybe

i should stop visiting this thread for a while until some more sheet music is posted. TOODLES!!! :wink:

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Re: Why Compare?!!?!?!
« on: October 22, 2005, 02:29:44 pm »
Quote from: "liquidblue244"
Okay that really pisses me off!!  They shouldn't be comparing the two off them because they both come from too different genres of music, (it's like comparing Jesse McCartney and Marilyn Manson) and they have different styles in the way they play!!  God!  V is an excellent piano player, and they made her sound like some desperate amateur, first off, I like Alicia Keys, but Alicia Keys don't write all her stuff, in fact Alicia Keys didn't even write her entire album, (Funny because it's called the DIARY of Alicia Keys) she only wrote 4 of the 15 songs on the album, and two of those were and introduction and interlude...the co-wrote the rest of the songs with like five million other people, and one was written by someother people-so tell me who's been more original there?  As far as I'm aware-V wrote all the songs on BNN except PIB, and wrote all the songs on Harmonium except, for I think 4 song which she wrote with how can they say that Alicia has more talent than V!!!  FU(K THEM!!  V is a wonderful musician and they can all kiss my a$$! Oh and Alicia Keys is WAY OVERRATED, she just the flavor of the week (or year) regardless of her talent or not, there are tons of more skilled piano players than V and Alicia Keys and non of us have heard of them-so that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!!   :wink:

Alicia does write all of her stuff, but with help. [i have both of her songbooks and that didn't occur to me, but i don't have neither of Van's]. on the debut, V was on her own in songwriting, but she had some help on a few songs on the sophmore record. hell, some of the songs from BNN were from her original demo songs.

i honestly can't see Vanessa being a mainstream artist, as much as i would love to. it just wasn't written in the stars for her to be. i don't think that Alicia is the 'flavor of the moment', b/c they've been whoppin' and a-hollerin' about her for more than 4 years. her sophmore was successful, but not as much as her debut. so i think that the reason that Alicia's more popular is b/c her music just happens to be more mainstream, and Vanessa's more Indie, and Indie isn't as embraced and accepted.

i think that the reason it's easy to compare both women to one another is that they both are classically-trained pianists. but they also hail from Hell's Kitchen, NY, [Alicia born there, Van moved there] write, play, and sing their own stuff, and born the same year. [Alicia says she was born in '81, but i know she lies about her age; she was really born in '80]. but i think that the simlarities end there.

Quote from: "medic0803"
Quote from: "Evanescence243"
the music in the be not nobody songbook is just the vocal melody

yes!.. pretty baby is the only song in the BNB songbook!.. I want the European version!..

all you have to do is go to AOL Search or LimeWire to listen to the song. it's great.  :wink:

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / This sucks...
« on: October 20, 2005, 06:37:18 pm »
Quote from: "Laura"
Quote from: "PianoGirl4444"
I'd bet my life on the fact that Vanessa's piano playing skills are far better than Alicia's.  

Personally I've never been able to get into Alicia Keys...I've liked maybe 2 or 3 of her singles, but not enough to even purchase them on itunes.  She's overrated and Vanessa is underrated.

I totally agree. I liked Alicia at the beginning but now she's just overrated.

But you guys gotta remember, MTV is trying to go more R&B/Hip-hop & cut off pop completely at least for now so just remember that when you read stuff like that.

before i give my opinion, i would just like to say thank you to whoever posted the article about Alicia Keys, b/c i'm a huge fan of her, and have been for more than 3 years, around the same time i became a fan of Vanessa [i became a fan of hers just 2 months earlier] and the piano.

i disagree. i think as far as techincal piano skills are, i don't really know how good Vanessa really is. i like her music a little more than Alicia's but i think that Alicia is the better piano player, b/c she showcases her skills more than Vanessa in terms of chromatic scales, glissandos, arpeggios, etc. she also adds classical pieces to her shows and albums, which is something that Vanessa never does. i guess she doesn't want to show off.

i don't think that Alicia is really overrated, b/c i think that she's getting the amount of credit that she deserves for her craft, b/c she's a true artist. in fact, i think her talents are more versatile than Vanessa's, b/c she channels them in more areas. she even improvises more than Van. why Vanessa get more credit for her artistry, i don't really know. i guess it's b/c her music's too Indie for mainstream attention, no offense. Hanson's a very talented band, too, but also underrated b/c they're an Indie band, and mainstream doesn't really welcome that kind of genre with open arms.

if you don't like Alicia, then that's fine; i can see why. but i like her, also, even though i like Vanessa's music more.

i've heard the remix for ATM. it's okay, i guess. but i really love The Ripe Remix of 'Wanted'. :wink:

Quote from: "Evanescence243"
the music in the be not nobody songbook is just the vocal melody

i listened to the arrangment of Pretty Baby on, and it sounded fine [and accurate] to me. i don't really mind songs having the vocal arrangement in them as long as they don't interfere with the actual piano arrangement.

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