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Messages - rosieposy87

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Completely Off-Topic / Help!
« on: April 30, 2005, 05:42:01 am »
It went so well! Thankyou so much for all of your ideas- he was amazed! I also bought him pixi sticks and a twinkie from an american sweet shop in London- he was so pleased!

I have photos to post but no way of cropping or resizing them. Could anybody help me out?

Completely Off-Topic / Names of British Coins
« on: April 29, 2005, 08:43:53 am »
yeah, we don't say stuff like 'quarters' or whatever- its just 20p. Or 50p. Its either a pound or a quid. A tenner. A fiver. None of the others change much.

Completely Off-Topic / Help!
« on: April 29, 2005, 01:41:11 am »
Quote from: "kev222"
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
I bought a string of American flags today

You make me sick.

I make me sick too. I was so ashamed of myself, i even considered not buying them, lol.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / vc last post
« on: April 27, 2005, 08:36:29 am »
I was spazzing thinking "Omg! Pub=england!" but then i realised that a)joe's pub is in NYC (right?) and b) i am thick as a plank. :(

Completely Off-Topic / Help!
« on: April 27, 2005, 08:29:46 am »
Quote from: "em one twenty-five boy"
You should wear a jersey!

I've cut up and customised a Mets t-shirt i got when i went to a game there- so its off the shoulder and has a matching cuff, hehe. I bought a string of American flags today (i felt SO shameful! lol)and little ones to put into the hot dogs, and a medal! lmao.

Completely Off-Topic / Help!
« on: April 25, 2005, 07:56:40 am »
Ooh everyone has such good ideas! So far i have

*Hot dogs,nachos and greasy pizza.
*A baseball pitch shaped cake
*cupcakes made to look like baseballs

*a tablecloth painted with baseballs.
*those pennant thingies all round the walls.
*Big foam hand!

Does anyone have more ideas for decoration? I'd be so grateful!

Entertainment - Movies / TV / Books / Saved!
« on: April 24, 2005, 10:42:30 am »
Wow, i was shocked at how good this film was! It was absolutely hilarious but also really moving- so so great. I want it on DVD so badly!

Quote from: "Scotty"
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
Quote from: "em one twenty-five boy"
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
OMG, do you actually want me to beat your arse down about this AGAIN? YOU'RE NOT WELSH- YOU'RE AMERICAN. Shut UP!

You try living in a nation of immigrants and then say that again.

Everyone lives in a nation of immigrants- no country has ever been exclusive (apart from maybe a random island in Indonesia or something). So i'll say it again, shall i?

I think immigration is becoming a big problem in the U.K.

Errr no its not. We have a population gap and soon the whole pensions sector will collapse if we don't have more workers- we need immigrants to fill this gap, because there aren't enough in the country already.

Quote from: "em one twenty-five boy"
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
Everyone lives in a nation of immigrants- no country has ever been exclusive (apart from maybe a random island in Indonesia or something). So i'll say it again, shall i?

You're English. If you are of Saxon decent, you've been there for 1500-2000 years (or even longer, too lazy to look it up). If you're of Norman decent, that's been there for a bit less than 1000 years. That's far too long to maintain any sort of separate cultural identity.

In contrast, most of my family arrived here 125-150 years ago.

My family came over from ireland in the potato famine, moved to scotland and then down to England so i have a 'mixed heritage' just as much as you do- i don't know anyone who is purely 'English'- whatever that means. Nationalism and 'Heritage' are concepts  invented for political gain only a few hundred years ago- it means nothing.

Quote from: "em one twenty-five boy"
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
OMG, do you actually want me to beat your arse down about this AGAIN? YOU'RE NOT WELSH- YOU'RE AMERICAN. Shut UP!

You try living in a nation of immigrants and then say that again.

Everyone lives in a nation of immigrants- no country has ever been exclusive (apart from maybe a random island in Indonesia or something). So i'll say it again, shall i?

Quote from: "em one twenty-five boy"
Quote from: "Scotty"
Americans always say England when they are meaning Britain. :roll:

When I say England, I mean England. Pfft...

I'm mostly Welsh. I sure as hell 'aint English. :-P

OMG, do you actually want me to beat your arse down about this AGAIN? YOU'RE NOT WELSH- YOU'RE AMERICAN. Shut UP!

P.S i hate Vernon Kay but Peter Kay- LEEEEEEEEGEND! Is this the way to aaaaaaamarillo?

Completely Off-Topic / Help!
« on: April 23, 2005, 09:22:52 am »
Quote from: "tricia"
Quote from: "kaysha"
what about those big foam hands making a "1" ??

best idea evar.

no no no. Best.idea.evar.

Completely Off-Topic / Help!
« on: April 23, 2005, 09:14:41 am »
Quote from: "kaysha"
what about those big foam hands making a "1" ??

OMG great idea! My brother bought me back one of those from america! Yay! More ideas!!

I did Brazil's industrialisation in geography so i know aaaaaaaall about it. Hehe, i used to talk to Jules about Sao Paulo all the time!

Completely Off-Topic / Help!
« on: April 23, 2005, 07:09:16 am »
What are pennants? And we don't have cracker jacks here- but what are they like? I might be able to find sth similar.

Ghis, i'm definitely making a baseball cake! And cupcakes made to look like baseballs, hehe.

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