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Messages - Jessica

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Completely Off-Topic / Recent Pictures Thread Part 3
« on: August 30, 2006, 12:46:13 am »
i got my hair cut on sunday too! :)

i like it cos all the split ends are gone (my hair undergoes many attacks by the vicious and mercyless straightening iron)

Completely Off-Topic / Who has a MySpace?...
« on: August 29, 2006, 03:40:50 pm »
Quote from: "medic0803"
also long as Jessica transcribe it  :wink:

good to know people are willing to kill in the name of my song lmao

Completely Off-Topic / Recent Pictures Thread Part 3
« on: August 29, 2006, 03:39:55 pm »
Quote from: "B"
Quote from: "Grakthis"
Someone rename this thread to "Hair tips" plz.  kthz.

 :lol: I thought about it.  :twisted: "Recent Pictures Thread Part 3 feat. Hair Styling Tips"

if all men typically had long hair they would need tips on how to manage it as well!

Other Musicians / Me
« on: August 27, 2006, 04:58:02 pm »

go download fortissimo ! :) it'd make me happy

Quote from: "BWilli"
Quote from: "Jessica"
Quote from: "BWilli"
watched Doom last night...i enjoyed it.  fun sci-fi/horror film.

i've never heard of it. except i think dane cook mentioned something about it in a stand up show once.... talking about Nestle Quick... he was like "the movie DOOM is in my chocolately drink..." no, thats DUNE, totally different movie :p

Doom is based on a pretty popular scifi alien video game

just got back from seeing Snakes on a Plane, such a fun fun cheesy corny really good movie :)

hahah yeah! oops :x
that makes more sense lol

Polls / Friends or Seinfeld?
« on: August 27, 2006, 03:45:44 pm »

seinfeld is ok...

Completely Off-Topic / I got into Law School
« on: August 26, 2006, 02:03:10 am »
Quote from: "Harmonius"
What has become of my thread?


haha its ok. we've just got some very opinionated nessaholics. and thats not bad, cos i disagree with half the things people say on these boards, and what could be more fun than arguing with a bunch of people you've never met?! ;p hehe

Completely Off-Topic / I got into Law School
« on: August 26, 2006, 01:50:42 am »
congrats! when you become a lawyer, don't be one of those guys that advertises how well they defend child molesters and sex offenders, k?

Completely Off-Topic / Stupid Trends
« on: August 26, 2006, 01:48:01 am »
this isnt a clothing trend but lisence plate frames really annoy me.

whether they say Bob Smith BMW or I'm a Princess, honestly people, i really don't care. it just kinda makes me want to crash your bumper a little bit.

i noticed in europe that these don't exist.
probably cos europe isn't america.
oh i love europe.

personalised lisence plates are dumb too.

my neighbour's plates say "dbest1" OH and those stick figure families that people put on their mini vans that say their kids names?? who invented those?! why cant a car just be used to drive places?!

Other Musicians / Tool
« on: August 26, 2006, 01:31:41 am »
ok the search thing definately doesnt work (even though people tell me otherwise ) cos i searched for a tool thread twice before i posted and got no results!
atleast no one yelled at me this time in red font. maybe it's cos i've moved over to the VCUB side ;p hehe

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / sounds fun, lets see...
« on: August 25, 2006, 08:16:20 pm »
i've tried doing this on the piano, without lyrics... like blending different pieces of her songs into one melody.. one time it came out pretty cool heh

lets see..

she'd do anything to sparkle in his eye
though he delivers me my fear
But you warm me up in your so sweet demise

He said take my hand,
Would that be okay?
if it all went away
would you fight it or would you lay down
Cause everything's so wrong
And I don't belong
Living in your Precious memories

She steps out in to the rain
as darkness quickly steals the light
that shined within her eyes
see the maroon in the blood of this life...
That's ours
And all I ask is to be able to walk on water
Walk on water
say you would, say you could
say you'd come and stop the rain.

i would pay to get vanessa drunk and have her rap a thousand miles

Completely Off-Topic / Who has a MySpace?...
« on: August 23, 2006, 10:22:05 pm »
Quote from: "medic0803"
Thanks! I love that song!  :wink:

no prob :)
i had a few people message me asking me to make it available for download so i figured it'd be cool if  people listen to it on their ipods and stuff..

i've had some requests for sheet music but bahh i'm lazy..

Completely Off-Topic / Recent Pictures Thread Part 3
« on: August 23, 2006, 10:20:01 pm »
Quote from: "Gina"
thanks guys.

thanks jessica... I actually need it cut again, I got highlights, about a month or so ago but the roots are already really growing out, I think I'm gonna go back to just brown for the fall.

i need to get mine cut too... i've tried to do those side bang things that you sort of have every time i get it cut but my hair just won't do it. i think i have a weird part line or something...

is your hair straightened? it looks so healthy..

Quote from: "BWilli"
watched Doom last night...i enjoyed it.  fun sci-fi/horror film.

i've never heard of it. except i think dane cook mentioned something about it in a stand up show once.... talking about Nestle Quick... he was like "the movie DOOM is in my chocolately drink..."

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