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Messages - rosieposy87

Pages: 1 ... 15 16 [17] 18 19 ... 201
General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / VC copied Mucha?
« on: April 06, 2005, 03:58:02 am »
Quote from: "Xenophanes"

Second, do we know exactly that that first BNN cover is indeed an earlier version? It looks to me like someone just slapped part of the Mucha figure's hair onto the CD cover in which case this is either someone's experiment or just a very early prototype that the art team was doing...

Yes it is. I was on the boards when the first cover was the proposed cover for the album- it was on amazon, cdnow, everything. It wasn't a prototype- it was the actual CD cover. It seems to me they may've changed it because it was so similar.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / 2nd single?
« on: March 19, 2005, 02:48:54 pm »
LOL i don't know why you're all trying to justify yourselves to this idiot who has claimed to have a monopoly on the Vanessa Moral Highground for years now. POUR ME A PINT OF BOVERED SHADES!

Completely Off-Topic / C A F F E I N E
« on: March 17, 2005, 12:13:10 pm »
Coffee is BAD! My mum collapsed because she had drunk 8 cups in one morning because she works so hard. Don't drink it! It will only cause you harm! hehe.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Official Vanessa Pictures Thread
« on: March 07, 2005, 07:34:54 am »
Quote from: "kaysha"
geez people, okay let me explain my view in 'detail'...

first, when someone goes to a photoshoot they are either told what to wear or choose their own clothing.  We can't assume this was somthing Vanessa chose to wear.  The pictures are also generally not shown to the artist but instead the management.  I don't think Vanessa approves all pictures from all photoshoots she does for magazines and other sources.  There are probably all sorts of parts exposed and it's up to the photographer and management to not use those pictures... there are probably 50 pictures taken at these shoots for every 1 we see.

secondly there is a large difference between showing clevich vs showing the nipple and/or areola... why do you think there was such chaos around the Janet Jackson fiasco?  Vanessa hasn't posed for Maxim or Playboy -- why do you think that is?  She is very attractive, i'm sure they've asked.  I'm positive she didn't say "let's make sure my nipple is exposed in this picture!"

lastly, i didn't say that people are bad/evil/whatever for looking at the pictures, i was only saying maybe people should show some respect for VC and the assumption that this was an accident and not post them on individual websites showing off the fact that you can see her nipple.

whether you believe it or not people do end up viewing these forums.  All you need is something to show up on popdirt or some other fashion about these dumb pictures.  "Vanessa claims she will never pose for Maxim like her peers in the industry however she has no problem showing off her nipple in these photoshoots."  We all know how important image is in this industry...

think about it...


Vanessa has worn that top a thousand times- i have seen her on countless tv programmes, videos and shows wearing that top. She had worn it despite changes in stylist so i think its fair to assume that she likes it.

Katia, you still haven't addressed the issue of the fact that you KNOW when your nipple is showing- if she was unhappy with it, why would she wear a see-through top that she chose to wear? Like you say, she probably didn't say "i know! lets show my nipple!" but its not as black and white as that-  it appears to me she certainly didn't object to it. She has also shown her nipple before in photos AND stated that her boobs are her favourite part of her body- i don't think it was an accident. Personally, i think you are slightly shocked that vanessa would do such a thing, when actually i don't think vanessa has a problem with it (or many other people either).

Polls / Stephan Jenkins & Vince Vaughn
« on: March 06, 2005, 06:28:03 am »
Quote from: "kev222"
I'll vote a solid yes.

But you thought i looked like Yasmin Bleeth! (or whatever she's called!)

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Official Vanessa Pictures Thread
« on: March 06, 2005, 06:15:04 am »
Quote from: "kaysha"
Quote from: "Dora"
some nicely sized shoots, some youve seen before.  dont hot link pleaaasee.

beware, you can see her breast in some of them, I didnt notice it, Thomas did  :lol:
ever thought about not spreading the fact that VC's boobs can be seen in a picture along with posting them?  I'm guessing that wasn't done on purpose since it wasn't a porno shoot...  you guys act like it's a great thing you get to see Vanessa's boob without her giving permission...

Oh please, like she wouldn't have known! You know when your boob is showing! There is some distinction between artful nudity and porn- you know that. In my opinion these pictures weren't taken in a distasteful way, and its not like she'll be thinking "OMFG!!1one!!you can see my boobs! i never knew!". You know when you're wearing a see through top! (which btw is Matthew Williamson and very nice!)

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / PUNK'D
« on: March 06, 2005, 06:08:38 am »
Quote from: "Scotty"
Quote from: "zurielshimon"
Question:  Why do you call them "series" in the UK?  It certainly causes undue alarm when you say, "last episode of the series".  I just think "season" is more suitable to denote one year's set of epidodes in a "series", which is all the episodes from the first to the last-made of that particular show.



Here we have programmes which are shorter in terms of their series (maybe only 6 episodes or so), so you can have different series in a year. Its a series of programmes that happen one after the other- a season just sounds plain CRAP. You heard me!?

Completely Off-Topic / Re:
« on: March 04, 2005, 03:32:18 am »
Quote from: "Grakthis"
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
Quote from: "Grakthis"
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
Quote from: "zurielshimon"
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
Quote from: "Julie"
Do you know how or why the bomb was in the car?

Cos it was a CAR BOMB.

Omg! :roll: You didn't just say that!  What was the problem exactly that the bomber had?

Have you even read this thread? or the article?

EDIT: Notice how the only people who really know whats going on here are the people who live outside the US.

Uh.  Maybe cause you're as close to Spain as I am to St Louis?

I am pretty up to date on what happens in St Louis.

How up to date are YOU on what happens in St Louis?


Now stop being such a eurocentric elitist.

 In my view the proximity is irrelevant- the news in this country isn't just about Britian or the countries near it but Africa, India and Asia too. Andrew, you know all too well that proximity and news interest don't necessarily go hand in hand- i couldn't tell you the latest story in the city nearest to me but i could tell you whats happening in Lebanon at the moment. What i have heard from many americans (and seen for myself) time and again is american news only reporting what happens in America- the fact that it is a huge country does of course have some bearing on the situation but should not stop Americans from thinking the world outside their state line is worthless or non-existent.

Oh and by the way, its the Basque country.

Again, I ask you, how much do YOU know about the latest news in the US?

I can assure you there are things going on in California that we get reported here that completely get left out of your news.

It IS about proximity.  You only give a brief lip-service to the fact that the US is so large.... but you gotta remember, North AMERICA is so large.  Canadians and South Americans get most of the same news we do in the states.

NA and SA america cover a pretty damn large area.  I feel fairly confident Europe misses out on 90% of the happenings over here.

The news only has so much time each day to cover events.  It can't talk about EVERY single event in every single country every single day.

We mostly cover our GEOGRAPHICAL area and then our major allies.

If it is about proximity then why does Zee know whats going on? Surely as she lives in one of the biggest countries on earth the Australian news should be all about Australia and nowhere else? But Zee does know whats going on because i know for a fact that Australian news presents a much wider picture of the world.  So no, my argument is not eurocentric and no, its not about proximity.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / PUNK'D
« on: March 03, 2005, 07:26:44 am »
Oooh i would be so so grateful if someone could record it and post it! All the Euronessaholics would be over the moon!

Completely Off-Topic / Re:
« on: March 03, 2005, 02:26:51 am »
Quote from: "Grakthis"
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
Quote from: "zurielshimon"
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
Quote from: "Julie"
Do you know how or why the bomb was in the car?

Cos it was a CAR BOMB.

Omg! :roll: You didn't just say that!  What was the problem exactly that the bomber had?

Have you even read this thread? or the article?

EDIT: Notice how the only people who really know whats going on here are the people who live outside the US.

Uh.  Maybe cause you're as close to Spain as I am to St Louis?

I am pretty up to date on what happens in St Louis.

How up to date are YOU on what happens in St Louis?


Now stop being such a eurocentric elitist.

 In my view the proximity is irrelevant- the news in this country isn't just about Britian or the countries near it but Africa, India and Asia too. Andrew, you know all too well that proximity and news interest don't necessarily go hand in hand- i couldn't tell you the latest story in the city nearest to me but i could tell you whats happening in Lebanon at the moment. What i have heard from many americans (and seen for myself) time and again is american news only reporting what happens in America- the fact that it is a huge country does of course have some bearing on the situation but should not stop Americans from thinking the world outside their state line is worthless or non-existent.

Oh and by the way, its the Basque country.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Official Vanessa Pictures Thread
« on: March 02, 2005, 12:42:38 pm »
The necklace and the hair are nice but the rest of the outfit is HORRID!

Completely Off-Topic / Re:
« on: March 02, 2005, 12:31:40 pm »
Quote from: "zurielshimon"
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
Quote from: "Julie"
Do you know how or why the bomb was in the car?

Cos it was a CAR BOMB.

Omg! :roll: You didn't just say that!  What was the problem exactly that the bomber had?

Have you even read this thread? or the article?

EDIT: Notice how the only people who really know whats going on here are the people who live outside the US.

Completely Off-Topic / Re:
« on: March 02, 2005, 08:51:53 am »
Quote from: "Julie"
Do you know how or why the bomb was in the car?

Cos it was a CAR BOMB.

Quote from: "amberbeads"
Exactly, she's just prepping and it's gonna explode 8)

lmao. Wishful thinking.

Completely Off-Topic / The Official Sig Makers Thread...Part 2.
« on: February 25, 2005, 02:17:53 am »
Scott, where's the pic from in your new sig? Its so pretty!

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