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Messages - rosieposy87

Pages: 1 ... 16 17 [18] 19 20 ... 201
Completely Off-Topic / Charles and Camilla to be Married
« on: February 21, 2005, 11:42:31 am »
Quote from: "em one twenty-five boy"
Why don't you think Charles will become King?

And furthermore, this union is horrible if he ever intends to become King. He'd be the head of the Church of England. He married someone who divorced her husband! What does that say about his religious role?

Quite frankly, it seems to me that it would be easier to disestablish the COE. That's long overdue anyway.

Lmao, stop acting like you are so clued up about the Church of England or Britain. Charles divorced Diana so i don't think he'll have any problem with their 'union'- he's been sneaking around with ye olde Bowles for ever and a day.  His 'religious role' is basically non existent.

How would it be easier to disestablish the church of england? They have been trying to reform the HoL for as long as i can remember (and a few centuries before that!) and they still haven't come up with a solution- disestablishing the church would not only contradict hundreds of years of tradition but would make it very hard to reform the HoL.

I think Scott probably thinks Charles won't become King because the Queen is a long way off dying- he might even die before her! The royal family have a great history of long living women!

Oh and to all of the Americans criticising the Monarchy- The role the monarch plays is now merely constitutional but you can see evidence of the monarchy's influence everywhere in this country-the post, our coins, the justice system, the opening of parliament, i could go on forever. When Americans criticise the monarchy it only makes me laugh because you're all OBSESSED by it! Which news channels keep dragging Diana's death through the cheesy 'documentaries' again and again whenever some new pictures are found? Who has tv specials on our monarchy? The monarchy are just more celebrities for you to gossip about.  Point made!

Completely Off-Topic / Recent Pictures Thread Part 2
« on: February 20, 2005, 11:24:26 am »
Me and my boyfriend looking very silly before we went to a Masked Ball for someone's 18th yesterday.

Completely Off-Topic / Feminism
« on: February 07, 2005, 12:19:05 pm »
Quote from: "Grakthis"
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
Andrew, i wholey agree with your point that women should live up to exactly the same standards as men in positions that they take- the fact is, if they don't have a chance to take those positions in the first place, how will they prove it?

I have no problem with women being given the same opportunities and standards as men.

And I think that goes both directions.

But what I think MOST feminist GROUPS in this country don't realize is that women and men do have different abilities.

 I completely agree. But where women have exactly the same ability they should be given the opportunity to put it into action. I accept that  women and men have different abilities- while men have more muscular strength it is proven that women have more muscular stamina- thats the way it is. But when women can't get any higher in their job because of the atmosphere created by men then i have a problem with it.

I think a lot of women will accept this fact- we know there are some things you do better than us, and we do some things better than you. What many feminists are trying to say is that women have abilities to bring to a situation which may make an organisation work more effectively which men had previously not considered. Different can be better too.

Completely Off-Topic / Feminism
« on: February 07, 2005, 11:36:05 am »
Quote from: "em one twenty-five boy"
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
Have you actually researched Feminism?

Don't even go there with me. You disagree with me and you just say I have no idea what the hell I'm talking about. Well, here is some news for you: my AP US History teacher last year put a heavy emphasis on feminism. We were assigned many (by many, 100+) texts by prominent feminists. They all characterized society in some form or another as a struggle of oppressive males against females. While such a message might have validity a century ago, it was disturbing to see some of these attitudes present in material that was only five years old! That's just the formal instruction I've received.

Fair play. In politics we study the many strands of feminist thought which  are not so radical in basis and only advocate equality- if you haven't studied them then thats not your fault. I think that the concept of a 'struggle' is just characteristic bound to emerge from any remotely oppressed section of society in their fight for more rights.

Quote from: "Will"

Since when has the mainstream media paid much attention at all to the feminism movement? When it is commented on at all, the newspapers and such present mostly quotes.

Furthermore, what the hell do you know about the mainstream American media?

The general impression given by the mainstream media (which i think i probably define more broadly than you) is of bra burners and women with pick axes going after men.  While it is not commented on in the newspapers or on the news in specific stories the general concept of feminism is portrayed as very radical.

 And LOL at your point about mainstream American media- we have your media thrust down our throats at every possible opportunity in this country. YOUR reporters report on OUR networks. I have access to every mainstream American news network on my tv. On the BBC i constantly hear american reporters. So i think i have a vague idea.

Quote from: "Will"

Quote from: "rosieposy87"
'Affirmative Action' is not necessarily linked to feminism- most feminists do not advocate giving women jobs for the sake of their gender.

Far too many advocate quotas, which is a polite way of doing the same thing.

The glass ceiling still exists- i see these quotas as simply rectifying a problem in society which is still rampant. In fact, i heard a programme just the other day which reported that women in high powered business jobs today was nearly exactly the same as it was in the 80s. Clearly women are not worse at such jobs than men- they just have not been given the chance to rise above a certain position in the company due to a) prejudice, b) a paternalistic atmosphere and c) child rearing duties and pregnancy.
Andrew, i wholey agree with your point that women should live up to exactly the same standards as men in positions that they take- the fact is, if they don't have a chance to take those positions in the first place, how will they prove it?

Completely Off-Topic / Recent Pictures Thread Part 2
« on: February 07, 2005, 11:21:11 am »
Quote from: "Grakthis"

This one is from about 4am.  I look pretty good for someone who'd been drinking for 9 hours.

No you don't! Bwhaha. Loving the shirt Grakster.

Completely Off-Topic / Feminism
« on: February 06, 2005, 11:36:15 am »
Quote from: "em one twenty-five boy"
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
LOL, even I know thats not true. Feminism is misconstrued all the time- mainly because radical feminists are seen as the 'typical feminists' these days when in fact they are in the minority.

Don't trivalize what I said. I meant it. Over here, it is only your so-called "radical feminists" that take the label. I suspect the same is true throughout the world. "Affirmative action" advocates of any brand, be they sexist or racist, can go to hell for all I care.

Have you actually researched Feminism? Or have you just assumed this is the message of all feminists? I know you are wrong in saying that only radical feminists call themselves feminists in America.  I feel like you have just taken the media spin of feminism- and aren't fully aware of the beliefs that many feminists hold.  'Affirmative Action' is not necessarily linked to feminism- most feminists do not advocate giving women jobs for the sake of their gender.

Moreover, i doubt you have EVER been subject to discrimination- as a white, christian male so i don't think you can empathise with a situation where half of society has been discriminated against.

Completely Off-Topic / Some American Help!
« on: February 06, 2005, 11:17:07 am »
Quote from: "Scotty"
Quote from: "kev222"
Quote from: "Scotty"
I remember Lucky Charms, they were once in Britain.

Me too. They were rank.


yup the marshmallows were well mingin' :lol:

Blasphemy!! I remember when my mum let me have a whole bowl of just the marshmallows on my birthday! *sigh* Those were the days...

Oooh and THANKYOU everyone!

P.S Jess, Britain doesn't have the Euro.

Completely Off-Topic / Some American Help!
« on: February 06, 2005, 06:04:15 am »
Toaster strudel is frozen!? :rosie: (okay, but it actually was appropriate there!) Oh that is really VERY annoying.

And Joann, i cannot bring myself to wear a Bush t-shirt. Mainly as i will fear for my safety. Actually, people might think its an ironic statement...

Completely Off-Topic / Some American Help!
« on: February 06, 2005, 04:55:31 am »
Wow, bet you thought you'd never see me write that! hehe.

My boyfriend was brought up on American culture- and so loves all of the American food etc etc. Trouble is, you can't get any of it here. I have looked online everywhere particularly for Toaster Strudel and Lucky Charms but i can't find anywhere to buy it from and to get it posted here. I want to get him some stuff for Valentines Day/his birthday.

So i was wondering, does anyone know anywhere i can buy this stuff? Or any really typical american food? And if i can't find anywhere to buy it, if anyone would be really kind and send me some stuff (i'd pay you through paypal or through the mail)? Any suggestions are helpful!

Rosie :rosie: (hehe, any excuse)

Completely Off-Topic / Feminism
« on: February 06, 2005, 03:06:47 am »
Quote from: "em one twenty-five boy"
Quote from: "rosieposy87"
I haven't done feminism in politics yet but when i have (in about a week!) you can bet i'm gonna come back here and kick your arse so badly.

Feminism these days is sexism. Let's see you defend THAT.

LOL, even I know thats not true. Feminism is misconstrued all the time- mainly because radical feminists are seen as the 'typical feminists' these days when in fact they are in the minority.  Everyone, who is not a biggot, should agree with feminism (just like the vast majortity would agree with Ethical Socialism)- that a woman should be treated as equally as a man- how is that sexist Will? I think men just feel threatened by women gaining far more power than they have ever had.

Completely Off-Topic / Feminism
« on: February 05, 2005, 02:29:58 am »
Quote from: "Grakthis"

Oh wait... that exists.  It's called Feminism :dr evil:

FIGHT ME!!11!1!1!!1 :troll:

I haven't done feminism in politics yet but when i have (in about a week!) you can bet i'm gonna come back here and kick your arse so badly.  

:rosie: LOSER.

Completely Off-Topic / I could cry.
« on: February 02, 2005, 08:42:31 am »
Quote from: "Holly"
that's so horrible.
some people are sick!

Have you actually READ this thread Holly?

Completely Off-Topic / Re: Happy Birthday to Toddster
« on: January 31, 2005, 09:57:49 am »
Quote from: "Katia's Lover"

Anywho, my birthday sucks.  Georgia has a state law where it's illegal to purchase alcohol that day.  So my 21st birthday was spent purchasing Coca-Cola classic.  

Why!? Thats a load of shite! I feel sorry for you! Anyway, hope you had a rocking Coca Cola birthday Todd!

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Official Vanessa Pictures Thread
« on: January 30, 2005, 01:20:01 pm »
Quote from: "beevee"
Quote from: "amberbeads"
gasp! thanks beev!

always love making a girl gasp. :wink:

:rosie: Bleeeeurgh.

Completely Off-Topic / Prom princess or porn queen?
« on: January 30, 2005, 06:53:13 am »

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