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Messages - mellsbells12

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Live Shows / haha shannon
« on: April 03, 2005, 04:01:58 pm »

i knew it had to be you, and gina SCREAMED your name (haha) but it was too loud :( thats a wicked picture of you and nessa though (and all the other ones!!!) im glad she is gonna listen to your music! lucky!!

gina, nikki, jess and emmy - verona is NOT Looking good, unless a miracle happens and my parents got me tix for my bday and havent told me yet :(


i miss northern lights!!!! :(  im still in depression, and to get over it i've been trying to learn "half a week before the winter" lol

<3 mells

Live Shows / oh dear
« on: March 29, 2005, 12:06:45 pm »
im still speechless.  i think i have that post concert depression and am still in awe that i saw her again.  it was soooo amazing!!!!!!!!!!!

its too bad that we waited so long in the rain, by the time i found everyone and saw vanessa my hair was a frizz ball :( im embarrassed for these pictures to come out

but anyways, she was in such a good mood last night and it was so adorable.  i miss the night sooo much!!!

cary brothers = amazing as well!!

blue eyesssssssssssss! <3


Live Shows / heyyy
« on: March 27, 2005, 03:12:21 pm »
im leaving my house probably around 3:45ish with my 2 buddies (who arent holics but like her) and we're gonna fetch dinner up there before going to wait in line!!

im not sure where we're eating

<3 mells


and guess what? today i turn on the local radio station that plays rap and punk and hardly EVER plays vanessa, and at 8:30 this morning they were giving away tickets with the CD ANDDDD qualifying people for a meet and greet!!

i was so jealous, taking vanessa away from me :(

Live Shows / hehe
« on: March 22, 2005, 07:13:32 pm »

so excited.

so the cary brothers are opening?!?!??!! they are off the garden state soundtrack, which i know by heart!!!!!!!!!!! they have this one song that makes me cry!!!!!!!!! i listened to it while waiting for the  plane back to america in paris..and i didnt want to leave paris! ahhh

good memories!

i cant wait to see you again!!

<3 mells

Live Shows / ohhhhhhhhhhhh
« on: March 22, 2005, 06:09:17 pm »
you so know im there!!!!!!!!!!! its 15 minutes away!!!!!!!! hehehe



General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / aww
« on: February 12, 2005, 08:53:48 am »
im so sorry to V and her family.  

Rest In Peace.


General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / yeaaa
« on: January 12, 2005, 05:00:44 pm »
i definitely saw it this morning when i was waiting for my school to be closed (which it wasnt)

i was so confused!! i was like wait, how do i not know a vanessa carlton song?!?!?  i felt so undevoted for 5 seconds, but she looked so cute, i know her voice like anything :)

<3 mells

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / hmmm
« on: October 02, 2004, 09:45:08 am »
i think im with ghisy, i love the piano version its just so BAM!

this new version makes it sound less emotional, its just kinda like a video game sound to me or something, its a cute style but im not sure i like this version.
it might still grow on me tho once i buy the CD!

<3 mells

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / hmmmm
« on: October 02, 2004, 09:42:07 am »
i actually quite enjoy the screams, i think they add to the emotion in the song that shes trying to capture.  like its freaky to us, but she said this album would be trying new things and leaving edges and i think they fit well at that part

i love the violins in that song as well!!

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion /
« on: October 02, 2004, 09:38:19 am »
i figured out the wreckage, its pretty simple once you have it

what i have in the beginning tho doesnt sound as full as what she has, it could just be she had the best piano in the world, but who knows  :lol:

idk how to really type it, the two notes next to each other are chords:
(only the right hand plays this part)
BbEb  BbD BbEb BbD BbEb BbD BbEb BbF BbEb BbD
(continue that pattern of going downwards with the first note until Ab)
AbCEb AbD AbEb AbD AbEb AbD AbEb AbF AbEb AbD

(now starts "the rythm..... these arent chords, these are run notes** and the left hand plays the first three notes, right hand plays the last 5)

C Eb G C F G Eb F (play 4x)
B Eb G  B F G Eb G (play 4x)
Bb Eb G Bb F G Eb G (play 4x)
A  Eb G A F G Eb G (play 4x)
** A C Eb A Eb F C Eb  (play 4x)
** G C Eb G Eb F C Eb (play 2x)
     G B D G D C B C (play once, with some sort of run on the last couple notes, dont really know the actual i just play whatever i feel lol)

(then for the next part.."we're flying" or something)
(left hand and right hand both play, up an octave)

CEb (3x) CD (1x)  (repeat three times) CEb CF CEb CD
BEb (3x)  BD (1x)  (repeat three times) BEb  BF BEb BD
BbEb (3x) BbD (1x)  (repeat three times)  BbEb BbF BbEb BbD
AEb (3x)  AD (1x)  (repeat three times)  AEb AF AEb AD
**AbCEb (3x)  AbD (1x)  (repeat three times)  AbCEb AbCF AbCEb AbCD

(then repeat the run notes up in that higher octave)

then go to the beginning with only the right hand

the rythm is really funky on the runs, just listen to it over and over and play with it.

im not sure all these notes are exact, but they match quite well.  good luck!

hopefully it works out, sorry if its a mess and you cant understand, just PM me or something.

<3 mells

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / haha amber
« on: September 25, 2004, 12:10:17 pm »
its definitely true though!

11/9 is just too far away for everyone!

in the November issue of Seventeen magazine, in the "little black book" music section for reviews, they say:

Vanessa Carlton

"Maybe its the older boyfriend, but something's made her a bit naughty on this CD.  Her passionate piano still stirs, but the lyrics (like those on loss of virginity) are more daring."

they gave the review 3 out of 4 hearts!

oiyyy.  11/9 is wayy too far away, even the magazines cant wait!  :lol:

Completely Off-Topic / thank yoU!
« on: August 18, 2004, 07:52:41 am »
thank you very much scotty for my new sig =) i adore it!

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / awwwwwwwww!
« on: August 16, 2004, 11:04:04 am »
happy birthday V  :lol:

do i ever post? not really..but this deserves one! tehe :D

im quite proud of your success after following your life for almost three years now!!!!!  

hope all your wishes come true!!!

cant wait for Harmonium!!!!!!!!


Entertainment - Movies / TV / Books / The Lovely Bones
« on: July 04, 2004, 12:38:29 pm »
The Lovely Bones is a book by Alice Sebold.

heres the scoop:   i hate reading books..i can never get into them and enjoy them.  but for some reason--this book has got me reading 100 pages a day.  (im not finished..i started yesterday lol)  but its really good.

its basically about this girl who starts the book in heaven, looking back on her murder by her sketchy neighbor (shes 14..) and watching her family from heaven growing from it.  theres really cool logical references to this picture her little brother drew that has earth, then a thick blue line (sky), and another place above it..meaning that theres something between heaven and earth.  and its interesting to watch her emotion as she sees her family pass by the murderer and not know it or feel it.   i find the interpretation of this book rather interesting, and so far its a really good read..

i recommend it, im sure theres really good books like it out there--but i had to pick one off my reading list, and im glad i did!

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