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Messages - lavender skies

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^Yep. I love this song but it always seems like I'm listening to Hilary Duff during this song.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Re: 1000 Miles
« on: June 17, 2007, 06:03:21 pm »
Quote from: "UltimateVC"
Ok so i was watching Leally Blonde, and in the backround at Elle's Delta New place, a thousand miles was playing!

ah I was just about to write that. I was watching Legally Blonde last night and got really excited.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Vanessa Ring-Back Tone!!
« on: June 15, 2007, 06:15:37 pm »
I have cingular. I've had a White Houses ringback tone for almost a year.

Quote from: "PutYourHandsOnMe101"
Quote from: "devil in the dark"
Can someone explain to me what

"So are truth wait patiently"

means? I guess it's the grammar, but I don't understand what she means.

It's actually more like...

We sow our truth/ wait patiently

ohh that explains it. thanks!

Can someone explain to me what

"So are truth wait patiently"

means? I guess it's the grammar, but I don't understand what she means.

I'm curious to find out why this song is the first single and not one of the others.

I like it. I can't see it playing on the radio, though. However I can totally picture myself singing to it with the windows down in my car.

White Houses with well over 1500 plays. I'm not on my usual computer, so this is just a guestimate.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Official Vanessa Pictures Thread
« on: April 24, 2007, 01:33:47 pm »

vanessa and hillary clinton.

v looks good!

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / New Vanessa Article:Earth Month
« on: April 23, 2007, 02:41:55 pm »
i say life is short. do what you want.

she's not harming anyone and it obviously hasn't affected her songwriting ability.

i don't smoke pot, but i'm not here to judge people who do it.

Is there any way to take a video that I downloaded from youtube (it's saved on my computer) and save it into my itunes? So that I can add it to my iPod or playlist?

Quote from: "itsthefiveofus"
Everything should be coming and happening really fast. Before we know it she will be on the radio and everything!!!!

i know!

the first time i hear one of her new songs on the radio will be an amazing day.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Vanessa's Myspace Blog NEWWWW
« on: April 13, 2007, 07:27:01 pm »

i wish she would finish it and get a release date out, just so i can count down the days.

my best sounds like an interesting song, I bet it will be really good.

So then are there no hopes for a summer tour? Would she tour before the album is out?

Are there any other recordings of "faces" besides the demo version?

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