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Messages - Rainy night

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Quote from: "Imaginary Ocean"
Quote from: "Rainy night"

Rhaaaa I would never wait until October 9 (and I'm sure it wil come out later in Europe  :cry: )...

If it'll be released at all in Europe.. Harmonium never was... I live in Switzerland.

hey that's so sad that Harmonium was never released in your country...  :cry:
It was released in Belgium...  
Cannot say I saw much copies of the CD in the shops though...

So I can hope for a Belgium release of HAT, I... guess?  :roll:

Quote from: "itsthefiveofus"
it toatally is.MY favorite part! the song is awesome but thats the one part that stands you in my mind.

:thumbsup:  Hooooo yeah!!! It's my fave part too!!! <3
Haaaaa Nolita fairytale  :wink:

Really wanted to see Pan's Labyrinth... Now it's done  :lol:
And I loved it more than everything!! That was sooooo good. Lovely, beautiful, breathtaking, ... 10/10!!!! Now one among my favourites movies of all time!!!  :heart:

Polls / Nolita Fairytale
« on: June 14, 2007, 07:10:06 am »
Quote from: "Twilight_Angel"
I love it! especially the huge 'f*** you!' to her old record company hehe
well ok shes says it more nicely... :lol:

Lol yeah Nessa says it it more nicely  :lol:  éè
I love it too!!! Nolita Fairytale is such a great song... It now makes me happy when I'm down... I looove it!!  :heart:

Polls / Fav. Rock/Alter group?
« on: June 13, 2007, 09:22:17 pm »
Quote from: "itsthefiveofus"
Quote from: "Rainy night"
NIN, no hesitation!!!!  :lol:

Haaa trent Reznor is sooo good!! I always loved NIN and they always did really good music... Their new album Year Zero is pure bliss, really!!!

Tell me about it! If I am not listeing to V, I have Year Zero on like all the time. hey do you know if they are even going to make a video for Capital G?

I read everywhere that we'd better not count on a video for the new single  :(

Capital G is actually my least fave of the album... And I kinda really like survivalism (though everyone said it was kinda bad  :? )... lol

I would have prefered The greater good as a second single...  :razz:

Polls / Fav. Rock/Alter group?
« on: June 13, 2007, 07:44:55 am »
NIN, no hesitation!!!!  :lol:

Haaa trent Reznor is sooo good!! I always loved NIN and they always did really good music... Their new album Year Zero is pure bliss, really!!!

Quote from: "charmed_one"
I really, really, really hope All is Well is on the album.

Hope All is well is really REALLY on the 3rd album too!!!
All is well and pyhom are my 2 favourite Nessa songs ever!!! Can't wait to hear the whole album...  :heart:
Can't wait to hear the album version of all the songs we already heard live...

And I really want to hear thinking of you and my best... They sound like they're gonna be really good songs...  :razz:

Rhaaaa I would never wait until October 9 (and I'm sure it wil come out later in Europe  :cry: )...

From people around me I only get negative feedback on Nolita Fairytale... I just wish I could spread more 'Nolita fairytale' love around me... And reading some of the posts on the board made me more sad...  :cry:  

Quote from: "white_houses"
From what I've seen, it's the other way around for me ;)

That's so great if people around you like Nolita Fairytale (I want people to love Nolita Fairytale so V's come back is gonna be huge  :heart: )!!!
You actually gave me hope back white_houses  :D
Thanks!!!  :wink:

A lot of people seem to don't really like V new song  :cry:

I think Nolita Fairytale is her way to show people she's still here and able to evoluate as an artist, try new sounds, talk about her experiences... I actually feel this song as the big new start for V. She's definately back!!
I love Nolita Fairytale, I think it's a beautiful song... Makes me think of a sunny summer day...  :razz:
And the bridge  :heart:  that's my favourite part!!

haaaaaaaaa V  :heart:
I loooove Nolita Fairytale, looove it, love it!!!  <3  <3

Thanks so much KULPDOGG!!  :D  I had those three recordings before but the quality of these is way much better!!  :razz:

The most recent movie I saw was The Hills Have Eyes 2... It was cool, there were some really good freaky parts, I liked it a lot but I expected it to be scarier... I slept like a baby after seeing it...  8) One of the things I really liked was they took the same soundtrack for the second movie too...

Before the movie I saw the Hostel part II trailer and I was so excited!! I'm so planning to see this movie!!  :lol:  Looks sooo goood just like the first one...  :mrgreen:

Completely Off-Topic / try this..
« on: May 21, 2007, 02:03:18 pm »
I knew this was coming and I tried!!! But I really jumped off my seat when it screamed loud... :roll:

Other Musicians / Mindy Smith
« on: May 07, 2007, 03:13:09 am »
Mindy is such a wonderful artist...
When I first heard One moment more, I immediately fell in love with that song... Mindy is one of those artist that speak with her heart and that is the reason why I like her so much  <3

OMM is a really sweet album, all soft and beautiful.

She now has a new record out called "Long Island Shores". And it's really, really beautiful... If you liked OMM, you will defenitely like LIS...

Please stay and Tennesse are truly amaizing... Brings tears to my eyes...
Every song is such a  beautiful little world in itself...
I could spend weeks to describe each songs of the album  :roll:

This record is a pearl... <3
I love it sooooo much...

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Vanessa Hearings
« on: May 06, 2007, 04:34:33 am »
Yesterday on some radio I heard A thousand miles...  <3  

I was kinda sleeping and I thought I was actually dreaming of the song  :lol:  But then I opened up my eyes and it was really V on the radio!! It must have been two years or more I haven't heard ATM on the radio... It was such a beautiful surprise I almost cried  :roll:  ...

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