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Messages - Jessica

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Polls / What is your favorite V Album?
« on: October 14, 2007, 10:16:25 pm »
it sucks that harmonium was vanessa's best album (in my opinion, and by the results of this poll) and yet it was the one that flopped the most and hardly any other people got to hear...

Live Shows / 11/06/2007: Ivar Theatre - Hollywood, CA
« on: October 13, 2007, 11:18:43 pm »
Quote from: "tylor2000"
It really should cost less if you are ordering it online.  I don't even order tickets that often and it seems high.  They are just ripping people off and taking advantage.  I haven't ordered a ticket since 2002.

thats so true.. they charge you MORE fees when you're ordering on a computer... but less fees when they actually have to pay a PERSON to get your tickets for you.... makes no sense. i like how they call it a CONVENIENCE fee too.... what is so convenient about being overcharged. damned monopolies.

i usually try to buy the ticket directly from the venue's box office (like at the roxy) i only paid 3 dollars extra per ticket. but I called the Ivar and they said that they only sell tickets 1 hour before show time. and i wanted to get my tickets ahead of time.....

Completely Off-Topic / You know you're old when.....
« on: October 13, 2007, 11:14:36 pm »
Quote from: "HarmySandwhich"
You know when you're old, when simply, you dread about getting older on your birthday.

haha i've been sad about getting older ever since my 18th birthday.
it's all downhill after 21. I'd better enjoy the 5 months i've got left

when i see annoying 16 year old girls at the mall i get so annoyed, and then realize that i was one of them not too long ago and felt so cool back then... haha yeah right.

Completely Off-Topic / You know you're old when.....
« on: October 13, 2007, 11:13:47 pm »
Quote from: "HarmySandwhich"
You know when you're old, when simply, you dread about getting older on your birthday.

haha i've been sad about getting older ever since my 18th birthday.
it's all downhill after 21. I'd better enjoy the 5 months i've got left

Polls / Automatic or Manual Car
« on: October 13, 2007, 11:09:10 pm »
Quote from: "divasteph"
jess - you cant truly be an angeleno if you cant drive and talk on your cell phone at the same time - so i vote auto so you can do your duty of being a citizen of la

haha, yeah that would take some getting used to...(and no more searching through my purse either).. but thats what blue tooth is for. i think the mini cooper comes with it if i get the premium package. and we cant drive with our cell phones as of july 2008 anyway..

Live Shows / meet her?
« on: October 13, 2007, 11:02:55 pm »
i think all of the nessaholics have met her multiple times by now, it isn't too hard.... i've seen her out around the venue before and after shows... one show she set up a meet and greet cos she felt bad that she was too sick to keep singing so she met every single person who went to the show instead. gotta love her :)

i am so proud of vanessa! yaaay

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Re: disappointed?
« on: October 12, 2007, 06:16:51 pm »
Quote from: "alison"
i have been a vc fan for a very long not nobody was one of the first albums i ever owned.
i saw her live at the roxy earlier this year and i don't know when i was more excited for an album.
i must say i am thoroughly disappointed in heroes & thieves.

vanessa's performance at the roxy was epic...just her and her piano, and you could really feel the emotion and the beauty of the songs.

this album is totally pop synthesized.
i had an amazing live performance of hands on me that i loved, but on the album i feel like shes playing with a metronome. one of the most brilliant things about her work was her ability to switch tempo.

fools like me has by far the best lyrics of any song...especially the last 3 lines which i am obsessed with. but the instrumentals are completely overwhelming and take over the rest of the song.
i just don't understand why sooo many songs fail to have the piano as the lead instrument...i do not like vanessa because of her voice..i like her songwriting/pianoplaying/singing combo.

i just feel completely blindsighted...what artist does entirely acoustic live performances when their album is pop?

its frusterating that this album had 5 star potential and its only like a 3, MAYBE a 3.5

i felt the same way upon the first listen..... i've been listening more and more and just trying to accept it for what it is and its growing on me...
atleast we'll still have the live performances :) which wont be over produced..

Quote from: "PianoPlayer12"
Quote from: "Jessica"
omg i felt SO bad for poor vanessa, some of the piano keys weren't working on Nolita Fairytale... namely the most important ones and it sounded like she was just hitting the same key over and over again :( her eyes kept like staring at the people like she wanted to be like "HELP ME"" but no one did anything..

 i'm glad she did hands on me, and in such a nice little setting, and without all the overdone studio sounding percussion and backup vocals. one of the best performances of 'hands on me'' i've seen!

are you sure the keys werent qworking....i think she emant to play it like that...

yeah im sure, she was missing a note and it was the same one through the song and she was hitting it, but nothing would come out and she had this look in her eyes like she was waiting for someone to fix it but no one seemed to notice she needed help lol

Quote from: "Hazy Eyes"
i like this performance of "nolita fairytale". she's switched it up a bit! 8O very nice.

she didnt "switch it up" her piano was broken.. lol

omg i felt SO bad for poor vanessa, some of the piano keys weren't working on Nolita Fairytale... namely the most important ones and it sounded like she was just hitting the same key over and over again :( her eyes kept like staring at the people like she wanted to be like "HELP ME"" but no one did anything..

 i'm glad she did hands on me, and in such a nice little setting, and without all the overdone studio sounding percussion and backup vocals. one of the best performances of 'hands on me'' i've seen!

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Tonight Show with Jay Leno 10/11
« on: October 12, 2007, 03:35:15 pm »
Quote from: "portions.for.foxes"
Quote from: "Bar"
I liked the ring (:

It was huge! Haha.

Rings always irritate me when I play piano. lol

me too!
i thought the giant black one was gonna fling off and hit her in the face lol

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Tonight Show with Jay Leno 10/11
« on: October 12, 2007, 03:34:35 pm »
Quote from: "Bigtuna"
I remember when Vanessa talked about how she'd never be showing skin to sell songs. Hope this isn't a sign of change, even though it's very good looking and she's in great shape...I'd rather her succeed (or fail) truly on her music.

she was wearing tights and had long sleeves... not exactly "showing skin"

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Tonight Show with Jay Leno 10/11
« on: October 12, 2007, 03:33:40 pm »
Quote from: "LostDwarf"
in leu of Nolita Fairytale i could have sworn she was singing

"cause my skirt's high as hellll" (nolita fairytale)  :wink:


i dont think it was a skirt lol.... more like.. a leotard with big poofy sleeves hehe

my sister came into my room this morning and said vanessa carlton was going to be on in a little bit and so she TiVo'd it for me... i havent watched it yet though! good thing she watches KTLA in the morning :-)

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