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Messages - clamicas

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 103
link to the interview:

I think she looks just a little tired, maybe it was really early.

lol, there are some ppl eating on the back while she is talking :lol:

^I forgot there were two:

CODE TO THE MYSPACE COUNTDOWN(the green one with v's pic):
<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" pluginspage="" height="425" width="363"></embed>

CODE TO THE VC.COM COUNTDOWN(the red and black one):
<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" pluginspage="" height="200" width="100"></embed>

you can adjust the width and height

I've posted this on another topic before:

add this code(you can change the height and width)

<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="" pluginspage="" height="425" width="363"></embed>

Quote from: "WhiteHouses108"
does anyone know how to convert real player for and iPod?


Quote from: "KULPDOGG"
Quote from: "portions.for.foxes"

Here's a link to the video.

For some reason some weird squiggly red shit is showing up around the letter box. But there's nothing I can do about that, it's just the quality of the video rip and the way it transfered when being uploaded. Sorry!

you spelled Carlton wrong in the tag
can tags be edited?
you can add more too =)

I also uploaded it to youtube

but I'm avoiding any obvious names or tags so that aol doesn't delete it , at least for now :/

Quote from: "portions.for.foxes"
Someone get this bitch up on YouTube already and put tags on random words so it'll pop up on people's searches. lol

haha I can see the tags:
blonde sex live jennifer lopez new album britney scandal gossip explosion mtv...and somewhere in the middle vanessa carlton :lol:

also, after putting it up on youtube must e-mail perezhilton about it  :razz:

Quote from: "Steveau"
Here's Nolita Fairytale:


thank youuuu :heart:  :heart:  :heart:  :heart:  :heart:  :heart:

Quote from: "portions.for.foxes"
Quote from: "WhiteHouses108"
do you think her breaking the piano could kind of symbolize her breaking away from like her old record. like..idk. kind of sort of?

No, it has nothing to do with the old record label. It has to do with her one hit wonder status as the "ATM Girl", which I went into in my above post.  :)

I think it has to do with both the song and the label

Quote from: "Journey_to"
Quote from: "clamicas"
I HATE A O L!!!!

Me too!

Aol is xenophobic  :lol:

I'm waiting for steve to upload it.... :wink:
I HATE A O L!!!!

They don't allow brazilians to watch it! argh...someone rip that video!

Completely Off-Topic / The Official Sig Makers Thread...Part 2.
« on: August 17, 2007, 08:01:44 am »
I think people should stop trying to guess who offended whom!
it's all based on two smilies and medic0803 who won't come back to share explanations, so I say, let it go and ignore that.


Natalie, those sigs are great  :D  :)

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Vanessa at The Deli
« on: August 16, 2007, 08:42:55 am »
lmao at this:

God I love her and I love crying myself to sleep to her stupid soppy songs about that TEENAGE ANGST y'all know I just haven't had. I'm jealous this hot shit lost hers to someone she writes a song about. I lost mine to a hobo who promised me a twinkie but LIED. Here she is in GIANT magazine this month for her comeback. I'd give that broken twinkie promise for her legs.

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