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Messages - VanessaPiana

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You're very welcome. ;D I'm working on San Francisco now. ;)

I've also added 'C'est La Vie' [I'm currently working on 'San Francisco'].

Here's "C'est La Vie".

You're very welcome. 8)

But Phu, Maag, Pianobea [and others] deserve much of the credit b/c they created a template for me to make these sheets to start with. Moreover I'd also created these sheets in a way that they won't be too confusing to learn, on top of printing out as little paper (with as much on each page) as possible, myself included.

BTW, I'm good a learning stuff by ear, but only half way [or 50%]. I tried transcribing this stuff as close to the Real McCoy as possible, adding a few of my own licks, b/c that's what creative artists do. This is something I'd always dreamed of doing & it allows me to get my creative juices flowing. Hard work, but I love it anyhow. ;D

On top of working on C'est La Vie I'm also doing San Francisco, correcting the mistakes in the other version(s), especially the official.

Peace & cheers. :D

Thanx. ;D

Here's "Heroes & Thieves"... a revised version of it w/ some improvisation on my part. I was gonna pattern my latest after Maag's but found that the note values [as well as the tempo] was in excess of ½, so I had to do away w/ the original copy/arrangement and redo it. I'd run into some roadblocks but took little more than a day to complete.

But I'd just like to add that Maag's & Phu's version(s) isn't obsolete b/c I've come up my my own; in fact if you want a simplified version some of you might find theirs more useful. ;)

C'est la Vie is next, tho' for some reason I never could get thru learning the entire song b/c I got bored. I plan to take the 'Harmonium' sheet music book version & Phu's version kinda put it together.

Updated the list with vanessapiana's sheets. :)

Thanks a lot; couldn't do it w/o y'all's support. ;D

Oh, and Sobriquet, do me a favour & 'update' my sheets b/c there were some mistakes in the previous ones (the rough copies) & but I think I got it right this time [I'm a perfectionist].

BTW, I've added 'Heroes and Thieves'. Hope y'all enjoy it.

You're welcome. :)

Yes, you're most certainly free to do so... just one word of caution; I may [or may not] make changes/update certain things up there from time to time [I'm kind of a perfectionist]. But I'll let you know if I do.

As of current I'm working on the song 'Heroes & Thieves'; let you know when I'm done.

Peace. ;)

Thanx lots for commenting, I appreciate it. [Didn't think anyone would respond but I guess I'd have to wait, lol.] ;) Believe me, I've really wanted to for YEARS now, but unfortunately I don't have a webcam [and I won't be getting a laptop until after my birthday -- July 1st -- and I'll be sure to get one that contains one b/c my current PC is almost 5 years old and has that sorry Windows Vista]. But I'll be sure to do just that when I'm able.

As for 'Superhero' [it was pretty simple to transcribe which is why I got it done a lot quicker] I didn't add the lyrics b/c it was pretty difficult to do so and didn't want it looking sloppier or taking up more space. I figure y'all already know the words, anyhow. Moreover I might take down & put the pdf. & mid./midi. files after making minor adjustments.

BTW I use MuseScore [free notation software] to do sheet music. After going thru many programs this is the best (free) one. The ones that were better had only 30-60 day-trial periods and afterwards you either 1) lost the free benefits or 2) had to upgrade/pay for the extra stuff afterwards. MuseScore could use some boning up, but it's the best [it also looks the best].

I plan on doing more sheet music, but I haven't really decided what (we'll see). I was hoping to post this stuff on the official VC forums, but there's no such thing; I reckon they did away w/ it long ago and the only 'official' one (left) is this one.

Cheers. :)

I've worked pretty hard on this [since late January/early February] and wasn't going to post up here until I got it just right. It's not perfect but I did my best. I listened to 'The Wreckage' & notated it as close as I could to the actual version, even adding my own flavour here & there. Comment to lemme know what you [whoever you are] think about it. I'm currently working on "Superhero" and will post it up here when I'm done w/ it. ;)

NOTE: To save you time you can download [and check out] the (attachments) down in the signature area. No having to go to any file-sharing sites or anything. Since it's hard work working on sheet music I like to usually work on one arrangement at a time. :)

Vanessa Carlton .mid/.midi & Sheet Music Index/Table of Contents (In Alphabetical Order)

-Alicia Keys - Feelin' U, Feelin' Me - (Video Here)

-A Thousand Miles (Album Version) - [Video Here]
-A Thousand Miles (Alternate Version) - [Video Here]

-C'est La Vie - (Video Here)

-Hands On Me - (Video Here)
-Hands On Me 2/II - (Video Here)

-Iwashiro Taro - Her Most Beautiful Smile (from "Rurouni Kenshin' anime") - [Video Here]

-Ordinary Day (Album Version) - [Video Here]
-Ordinary Day (Alternate Version) - [Video Here]

-Private Radio - (Video Here)

-San Francisco (Live Version) - [Video Here]
-San Francisco (Album Version) - [Video Here]

-Superhero - (Video Here)

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / disappointed?
« on: October 15, 2007, 09:36:11 pm »
I meant to quote Alison, but I accidently added her to my 'Ignore List' [sorry, alison; it was a freak accident].

Although NF has the sound of V's previous albums [especially HARMONIUM], the lyrics are more autobiographical. V was obviously aiming for something different for this album [by taking her music (as well as her soft-but powerful voice) in a different direction], and it didn't strike the right chords w/ some, including myself. But I'm afraid that she's sold herself short this time around. Most likely b/f signing under her new label the CEO and executives gave her 'conditions' she must follow under the contract b/f they gave her the deal. I guess this explains this new sound that rubs me in all the wrong places. I'm pretty sure some of you know good and well how cutthroat [not to mention competitive] the music industry is, especially in this day and time.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Re: disappointed?
« on: October 14, 2007, 07:12:25 pm »
Quote from: "alison"
i have been a vc fan for a very long not nobody was one of the first albums i ever owned.
i saw her live at the roxy earlier this year and i don't know when i was more excited for an album.
i must say i am thoroughly disappointed in heroes & thieves.

vanessa's performance at the roxy was epic...just her and her piano, and you could really feel the emotion and the beauty of the songs.

this album is totally pop synthesized.
i had an amazing live performance of hands on me that i loved, but on the album i feel like shes playing with a metronome. one of the mostbrilliant things about her work was her ability to switch tempo.

fools like me has by far the best lyrics of any song...especially the last 3 lines which i am obsessed with. but the instrumentals are completely overwhelming and take over the rest of the song.
i just don't understand why sooo many songs fail to have the piano as the lead instrument...i do not like vanessa because of her voice..i like her songwriting/pianoplaying/singing combo.

i just feel completely blindsighted...what artist does entirely acoustic live performances when their album is pop?

its frusterating that this album had 5 star potential and its only like a 3, MAYBE a 3.5

Since I'm a fan of her previous works, I'll give the album 3 stars. But H&T is just whack w/ a capital W, and I never thought I would say that. The only good song really is NF; I thought that was the precursor, the main theme of the rest of H&T; boy did I get played -- BIG time. I honestly don't know what V was aiming for the third round. I guess I'll ask her if I have the chance to meet her. I just hope it's different w/ the next record. *ignores immature critsism* When Van performs live, sometimes her vocals are off-key [probably b/c she's sick, tired or her voice is worn from so much singing], but other times she sounds really good, sometimes better than she does on the record [especially in her performances on Sessions@AOL and Rolling Stone Original and other live performances I don't have time to name].

On a lot of the album reviews for BNN [I haven't yet seen the ones for HARMONIUM], some say that the main problem w/ the album was that all of the songs pretty much sounded the same w/ Ron Fair running things and adding an orchestra and all. That's true, but I had absolutely no qualms about that b/c the material was pretty good [and entertaining to listen to and sing along w/ as well]. I also loved that the piano wasn't tweaked, her YAMAHA therefore maintaining its naturally beautiful, pristine sound [except on Wanted w/ the solo piano b/c the song had to have that 'studio' sound quality suitable for the album]. V's pretty voice was also easy on the ears, too [she sang her ass off in Wanted and Paint It Black].

For those of you who want to argue and be militant and hostile about my criticism of the H&T, I'm 'a just be the bigger person and ignore your idiotic comments. I don't like her latest album, no means no, like it, lump, back up and bump it, or whatever you wanna do. Y'all can kiss my curvy black ass -- and then go straight to hell, 'cuz I don't know you, and you don't know absolutely nothin' about me, either, just to be making such silly, childish, petty comments. I've tried to be nice and civilized, but it's obviously not working -- at all. I give up b/c people are impossible to please, anyway. It didn't work back in 2005, and it's definitely not working now. Some of you obviously have too much time on your hands, lest you wouldn't spend it retaliating by hurling nasty remarks at me and whining [like BIG, spoiled babies] about the fact that my opinions about Van's latest album are different from yours [among other things]. C'mon, chill da hell out; y'all are seriously making a mountain out of a mole hill. It's not that serious, you feel me?

Van is in this crazy thing called the music industry and I'm pretty sure she can accept the fact that not everybody's gonna love her and her music. Why don't y'all feel the same way? [Looks to me like Van is more secure in her talent and comfortable w/ herself than even her most devoted fans are, ironically]. She's a grown-ass woman who I'm pretty sure can handle her own bid'ness and not lose any sleep when someone hurts her feelings. People gonna do that to you for as long as you live, so you might as well get used to if, or else be miserable for the rest of your life [or even suicidal]. If people don't like the artists I listen too, then it's fine by me; their tastes are just different, that's all... or sometimes they just don't know what they're missin'. Ain't nothin' I can do but go on about my business. As long as you don't put your hands on me, you can say whatever you want. It ain't gonna bother me none. I don't even know why I'm explainin' myself to some of you, b/c it obviously ain't doin' no good. Some of you have been smokin' so much Mary Jane that it's blowed out your minds, and I can't reason w/ people who have baked brains. Either that, or some people can't stand the truth, 'cuz the truth hurts bad... if you're not one of those mature people who can stomach it. For that reason, it's impossible to have a reasonable, mature, civilized, poised discussion.

Ever heard the saying, 'I'm rubber, you're glue, and whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you?' ['Nuff said.] But in the meantime I'll get a good night's sleep b/c if I spend it quarreling w/ people who can't take anything deep I'll get sidetracked. The only thing I can do is pray for you. What goes around comes around. You reap what you sow. The very same way you're treating me, whether it's for bad or worse, someone's gonna revisit it back on you. That's all I have to say. I wish you the best, and God bless.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / disappointed?
« on: October 13, 2007, 11:47:25 am »
I'm pretty sure the rest of you like her new album, I just don't, and cussing me out ain't gonna change my mind. I just don't like the singin' and the piano playing, mainly b/c it's different, but I just think it's pretty bad. It's not the kind of singing as I know singing. Maybe I'll like it in the future, maybe it'll grow on me, maybe it won't. But for now I'm stickin' to my guns and my story remains the same. If you don't like it... well, hell, there ain't nothin' I can do. If I don't like someone's music, I can always listen somebody else I think is better; I do it all the time; it's just that simple. Get over it and get a life. Some of you may think I'm mean, but if you want a bitch, you'll get one.

Gosh, you people defend Van like you know her personally or something... she's not the only talented singer/songwriter in the pond, you know. I'm pretty sure Van has worked her tush off on this album and that's wonderful, but sincerity ain't everything, you know. [You can be as sincere as you want to be and still be wrong or make a big mistake.] I've noticed that Alicia Keys [who I'm a big fan of] singing style has changed, too, although her latest hit song has yet to knock my socks off; I'll have to wait 'til her next album comes out. For those of you who have a problem w/ my grammer... get used to it. I can use proper grammer if I wanted, but choose not to. This ain't a job interview or IBM or something.

Quote from: "maag"
I've changed 'Hands on me' sheet music, so now you can download an updated version of it, according to the studio recording. Thanks to phu for hosting it and making the .mid file. Enjoy!

DUDE, I've been playing this version all along [since early this year]! I felt that the riffs [on the orignial version] weren't quite like the version Van did on that show back in 7/05, so I just learned it by ear [and added my own touches to it], so now I can play along w/ the recording quite well.

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