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Messages - i dont know what to put

Pages: 1 ... 48 49 [50]
FAQ / Board Issues / how do i make a poll?
« on: March 15, 2003, 09:13:42 am »
How do I create a poll?
Creating a poll is easy -- when you post a new topic (or edit the first post of a topic, if you have permission) you should see a Add Poll form below the main posting box. If you cannot see this then you probably do not have rights to create polls. You should enter a title for the poll and then at least two options -- to set an option type in the poll question and click the Add option button. You can also set a time limit for the poll, 0 being an infinite amount. There will be a limit to the number of options you can list, which is set by the board administrator

Completely Off-Topic / lol
« on: March 15, 2003, 01:06:42 am »
I was thinking the samething.

Polls / Is the Vanessa C board down ? :(
« on: March 15, 2003, 01:05:31 am »
haha its down right now, but it wasnt when i first logged in here.

Polls / Least favorite VC song?
« on: March 15, 2003, 01:03:40 am »
i guess im the only one that likes red ditty the least :oops:

Polls / Do you wear your seatbelt?
« on: March 15, 2003, 01:01:46 am »
i wear it 95% of the time

Polls / Favorite VC Song?!
« on: March 15, 2003, 01:00:45 am »
I voted for Superhero. I love that song

Introduce Yourself / Hello I'm Alex
« on: March 15, 2003, 12:56:43 am »
hey thanx for the welcome but im off to bed now buh bye.

Introduce Yourself / Hello, my name is Tricia...
« on: March 15, 2003, 12:53:24 am »
Hey Princess Tricia  :lol:

Introduce Yourself / hey
« on: March 15, 2003, 12:46:54 am »
I've been using this s/n more often over there.  I have Canadian NESSAholic already registered over here to.

Introduce Yourself / Hello I'm Alex
« on: March 15, 2003, 12:42:15 am »
Hey I'm Alex some of u might know me from the VCMB as Canadian NESSAholic.

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