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Messages - VanessaPiana

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General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Heroes & Thieves Commercial!
« on: October 12, 2007, 09:09:07 pm »
I saw it on VH1 yesterday, and I actually liked it. Can't say I feel the same way about that album, but that's another discussion I don't care to go into now...

Quote from: "portions.for.foxes"
I hope he gets syphilis from all his sleeping around.

If it's true [which it most likely is b/c 'skeezbag' is an understatement for celebs] then that means he's a slut/whore/prostitute/ho-bag. He looks old and gross, anyway. And did I mention that he don't look all that hot? But he did do a good job helping V out on HARMONIUM, though...

A lot of celebs have talent and public/professional success, but their private/personal lives ain't worth sh!t [like Elvis Presely and Britney Spears]. It's like the saying goes... it may take talent, ability [and possibly hard work] to get you to the top, but it'll take character [how you are behind closed doors as opposed to how you are when everyone's looking] to keep you up there.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / disappointed?
« on: October 12, 2007, 08:20:51 pm »
Quote from: "Twilight_Angel"

NO ONE calls her Vannie, thats the worse nickname for her ever.

Secondly, try releasing an album as good as hers before you slate it.

thirdly, you have no right to critisize her so harshly when you havent even been here that long  :roll:

oh...and no one cares if you're a good speller.

I love the album. Admititly its different from her last two but some of the songs are classics....Nolita fairytale, hands on me, come undone, fools like me, home, this time and more then this are amazing. The others are brilliant but in my opinion not as good.

First of all, I can call her whatever I want. I know Vannie's a little corny, but y'all say corny-ass sh!t all the time. Secondly, I've been here for quite a while [since 4/05, which is been 2 1/2 years], so again, get your facts straight. I just don't come here as often as I used to b/c for every person I get along w/ I encounter 3x as many douche-bags [like you] who put people down whose opinions are different from theirs. I honestly don't know what the big deal about Van is; the only thing I've liked about her since I've become a fan is her music, bar none. If someone says something bad about her or her music, so what? It's not the end of the world. I'm entitled to my opinions and have a right not to be bothered b/c they're different from the other fans' up here.

I don't have time to spin my wheels and waste my time arguing w/ anyone b/c when it's all said and done people are pigheaded, implacable and won't change no matter what. I have too much to do and life's short, so I don't have time for that kind of foolishness. I feel the way I feel about HAT [the singing/songwriting's pretty bad, by the way, so I'm very disappointed] and mud-flinging and name-calling won't make me budge. Although I don't always agree with others, at least I have enough class to take their opinions into account and have a civil discussion. Fussing people out for disagreein' will only drive them away... or make the debate get ugly. But I won't take your opinions seriously if I'm being gravely insulted and attacked at the same time. For the record, take that around the bend, put it in your pipe and smoke it if you want to.

Vanessa Songs / Lyrics / Sheet Music / Heroes and Thieves (album)
« on: October 11, 2007, 10:04:49 pm »
I'm still a fan of V, but not of this album at this point. Which is pretty sad, 'cuz I've waited a little over 2 years for this album, and it's fallen short of my expectations... at least sound-wise and vocally. I was expecting something like HARMONIUM and BNN put together, but more progressive and mature. NF is the best track so far. The only thing that really wowed me was the classically-inspired bit on 'Home', which is the longest song on the album. I hope against all hope that V doesn't sing the way she did on HAT on her future records, 'cuz her voice was just a mess [as well as the protooling, production, and engineering]. It could mean her career going down the tubes. The album cover is haunting [it even scares me b/c V looks like she's gonna jump out and eat me at anytime], but I like it. The photos for the album are pretty lame, though [the ones for BNN and HARMONIUM were pretty good].

When I got BNN back in early 9/03 the radio version of Pretty Baby was on it. That was the version I had the hardest time finding on one of the P2P filesharing programs to burn to a CD [along w/ the rest of the songs on BNN]. The previous version was in plentiful supply.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / disappointed?
« on: October 11, 2007, 09:56:21 pm »
Quote from: "Baronessa"
I'm not disappointed at all. I love the hip-hop twinge. Each of her albums is different. That's what being a creative, evolving artist is all about.  8)

I guess, but I hope V's next album isn't like this. But in the meantime I'll stick to listening to her previous releases. I hope she sings like she did on the live [low quality] version of 'The One' on the next one.

For those of you who made such a big f.u.s.s. out of the spelling of NF, I swear I did that on purpose; I'm a really good speller [people are always asking ME how to spell words]. There's only a few words I can't spell.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / disappointed?
« on: October 11, 2007, 08:37:53 pm »
Quote from: "angelheart56"
Well, in case you didn't notice, Vanessa does not have a song called Lolita Fairytale. However, she does have a song called Nolita Fairytale. Next time you criticize an artist, at least get the name of the single correct!

Whatever. Like it matters. I actually spelled it like that on purpose. [Nola, Lola, Nolita, Lolita, get it?] I already know that it's spelled NOLITA FAIRYTALE. Get your facts straight.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Fan Reviews of Heroes and Thieves
« on: October 11, 2007, 08:35:17 pm »
If I could rate this album from 1-5, I would definitely give it a 1 [or maybe less].

1. The vocals are bad. Just TERRIBLE. It makes me wanna cry b/c V sound MUCH better than what she did on HAT. The only song she actually sang in tune was Lolita Fairytale. The rest of the album was a total vocal botch-up. I don't know what Vannie is trying to prove by singing dull, boring, flat, monotonous vocals on HAT.

2. The lyrics are even more juvie on HAT than on BNN. V claims to have grown and matured more as an artist and a person, but to me her lyrics don't reflect this claim; instead they're a stark contradiction to her declaration. Moreover, this album is even more uninspired than her previous ones.

3. The sound is even more Indie [and the piano old-sounding] than HARMONIUM.

4. On the set [for HAT] for AOL the vocals were so bad [and the sound so low] that I couldn't get into her performances; I only looked at a few minutes [in all] of the songs she played on set. Only then will my faith be restored when she actually does Sessions@AOL and actually SINGS the songs on HAT.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / disappointed?
« on: October 11, 2007, 08:26:06 pm »
I was a little thrilled when I saw this thread, b/c it was exactly what the doctor ordered, b/c it hits on the nail what I'm thinkin'.

For the most part, I'm VERY disappointed w/ this album; it's HORRIBLE. Just GOD awful. So bad, that in fact, I don't know where to begin. But I'll begin w/ Vannie's vocals, since I thought that was the biggest flaw of the album. And what I'm about to say is not out of malice at all, but out of concern for V's career and how her music [and material for her discography] has declined since BE NOT NOBODY. But lemme start w/ how her singing, b/c that was the MAIN flaw [and possibly WORSE one yet] that stood out for me on HAT.

I don't know if anyone has noticed, but w/ each album, it seems like Vannie's vocals become [not off-key per se], but more and more monotone. I honestly don't know what she's trying to prove by singing more out of tune w/ each album. The only song she actually SANG on that album was Lolita Fairytale. The rest, I don't know what the hell she thought she was doing, but that wasn't singing-- AT ALL. W/ HARMONIUM, her vocals were more monotone than I liked and more monotone than when she performed the songs from HARMONIUM live, but I still thought it was a great album. The songs that V sounded more [or the most] monotone on the album than live were Who's To Say, Papa, Afterglow, HAWBTW and White Houses. The rest of the songs she actually SANG IN TUNE, and those were the songs I enjoyed singing along to the most. I don't think HAT is even remotely WORTH singing along to... unless you're tone-ass deaf.

When I first listened to HARMONIUM, I only liked half the songs; by the end of the [3] weeks I had the album, I loved practically ALL the songs. BNN was a hit [mainly b/c VC actually SANG her ass off on all the songs], HARMONIUM was getting there, and HAT is DEFINITELY a miss vocally. For starters, the lyrics sound more juvenille than ever, like something a 8-year old would write, even more junvenille than BNN. I was actually expecting something better, but HAT fell short...  BIG time. Like Avril Lavigne latest album [which isn't as good as UNDER MY SKIN (which didn't do as good as her debut, but is much better than her latest, THE BEST DAMN THING lyrics and material-wise among other things) and her debut, LET GO], V's latest LP [lyric-wise, among other factors] has regressed, even BEFORE her debut. But at least Avril Lavigne actually SANG the songs on her latest release. V didn't sing in tune AT ALL, except on Lolita Fairytale. Her vocals were pretty much one-note [not to mention very boring and unexciting to me].

I almost cried I was so disappointed w/ the singing. If V only SANG the songs, that album would've been SOOOO much better. I don't know what the hell she was thinking, believing that maybe we wouldn't notice how flat her singing was. Or maybe the people directly involved w/ the production of the album [as well as her label] were afraid to tell her that her monotone singing was ATROCIOUS. Or perhaps she was cutting corners w/ this cut. I don't know what the problem is, but V's had more than 2 1/2 years to come out w/ a kick-ass album, if not 3. And featuring Stevie NICKS on that album of all people. [I'm not even a Fleetwood Mac fan.] I'm not saying the woman [Stevie Nicks] can't sing, b/c she can; her voice [like Macy Gray's] just sounds terrible. Even her ex, Stephen Jenkins sounded better singing background than Stevie. Even w/ HARMONIUM I was willing to overlook Van's more-monotone-than-usual vocals b/c the material on the album was pretty good [partial courtesy of her ex and Ron Fair]. Now I can almost understand why her label gave her the blessed boot.

V may think her album is da bomb-diggity and her best work yet, but I beg [w/ all due respect], b/c it's about as far from that as it can get. It's very sad that V is wasting her vocal talent by singing in a monotone voice, b/c she's MUCH MORE capable than this. [I think 'Home' is from her demo, but I'm not sure.] She has a clear, beautiful voice [not to mention that she kind of sounds like Jewel], but she totally did herself under by doing a hack job on HAT w/ her dull, flat, boring monotone vocals. Yeah, [like some fans] I'm disappointed that songs such as 'Best Behavior' and 'All Is Well' didn't make the cut, but at this point it doesn't really matter anyway, b/c HAT is such a crappy album. On 'The One' [the live version w/ the shitty quality] V sang the song like her life literally DEPENDED on singing it right. She sang the song w/ such emotion that I almost cried; I'd NEVER heard her sing like that [except on some of her demo songs], even on BNN. But on HAT, she did a HORRIBLE job on the song vocally.

Quote from: "remixx"
OMG thank you SO MUCH for typing all of that up for me!!!!!

it was really inspirational to hear that you did it all by yourself... and it makes me think i can do the same..

so i'm going to really try to commit to it and see what happends. thanks to everyone that replied, especially "vanessapiana"!

i'll update everyone on my progress, lol

You're welcome. If you don't get at first, then don't give up; you'll improve. The very first song I learned by VC was 'Afterglow'. For 6 mos. or so, I couldn't get the bridge to the song b/c of how the notes were arranged and the various sharps and flats. Now I can play the entire song along with the recording. I didn't get many parts to 'White Houses' at first [except the simple parts], but I can now play that along with the recording, too. So what I'm sayin' is that if you don't get certain parts of a song right away, then 1. practice until you get it or 2. put it away for a while and take it up again when you're ready and a little more advanced. Sometimes it's months [or even years] before I get a song or certain parts of it.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / "Pregnant" - wikipedia article
« on: August 17, 2007, 01:35:46 pm »
I agree w/ anyone who said wikipedia is messed up. I'm a member there, so I'm guilty of tweaking info from time to time; but at least it's as accurate as it gets. Although it's accurate MOST of the time, it's really fucked up how things are run over there.

I honestly don't think VC is dumb enough to write an idiotic song like that, especially a song w/ that dumbass title. Being the liberal, career-dedicated, New Age person she is, I don't think she sees wifedom/motherhood in her future... at least not anytime soon [maybe that's why she and her bf broke up recently]. Maybe someone threw that in [IF the rumor about them posting it is true] was not only nuts, but had WAY too much time on their hands.

That said, Wikipedia can kiss my black ass, 'cuz it's really jacked up over there.

I've been playing the piano since early May of 2004, about a week after my nephew was born and about 2 months b/f my 19th b-day. For about 9 or 10 months, I was in limbo, not really taking piano seriously. The only thing I knew how to play was 'Auld Lang Syne' in C and E major. I didn't know anything about the other chords of the piano, except those and Eb Major.

By the fall, I'd got some virtual piano chords from various websites that had them and drew them in a tablet as to what the keys to the various chords were, but it wasn't too much help and I still didn't understand major/minor chords. Moreover, a lot of those things were inaccurate, anyway. I would've understood chords and keys sooner had the right person come along and told me about them. But I guess there's a time for everything. Anyway, the very first song I learned on the piano was Alicia Keys' 'If I Ain't Got You' from a 'Diary of Alicia Keys' songbook I purchased from a local Barnes and Noble store after buying and refunding it a coupla times, I finally decided to keep it. I'd gotten frustrated w/ 'Songs In A Minor' [which I got back later that year], so I got DOAK, which is easier.

The first fast song I learned was our very own V's 'Wanted. Since I didn't have the BNN songbook [or the sheetmusic from the Internet], I stumbled upon an interview of V' [from '02 or '03] on NBC [or CBS, I don't exactly remember] and it showed a snippet of her hands as she played Wanted on a piano in the ballet studio where she used to attend ballet school, and that's how I learned most of the song. Even w/ that, it took a while to learn what the chords/notes to the song actually were. I now know the entire song [by ear], except for the second verse.

Since I used public library computers [I just got a computer over the weekend along w/ the Internet today], I had to pay the print out paper. Since I had to economize my print card, I often wrote down the notes to V's songs and that's how I learned the remainder of them... or I just did it by ear. The great part about that was that it allowed artistic freedom, letting me make the songs my own. It also gave me a better ear to learn the songs.

The point is, I wasn't born knowing how to play the piano. For most of my life, I've always wanted to play, but put it on the backburner b/c I didn't think it was possible. Since I couldn't afford lessons, I pretty much taught myself, and people are often shocked when I tell them that. Some people teach theyselves how to play the guitar, don't they? I also learned by watching some of my favorite artists, like Josh Groban, Hanson, Alicia Keys [one of my favorite singer/songwriters], and our very own V'. I even sometimes watched their hands while they played to know what the right notes were to their songs. I also figured out how to work the pedel on my own, and the rest is history. I now consider myself on the intermediate level b/c 1. I still can't seem to get through a song most of the time w/o making a mistake(s) and 2. I'm not that good at reading sheet music unless I either like the song or are familiar with it.

Didn't mean for this post to be this long; I'm just informing potential piano players know of how I got started.

Vanessa Songs / Lyrics / Sheet Music / the best recording of "The One"
« on: August 08, 2007, 01:41:32 pm »
Quote from: "whitehouses81680"
8O  blanked your mind?

Since the recording was so muddled, here's what I thought the lyrics were:

Verse 1:

Holiday, and Ed goes [or echoes] home,
Want to see the good I know,
I can't wait for us to be alone,

Going through the radio,
We sing along to the Indie show
The words mean more than I can say...

Verse 2:
Gravity can bend the time,
Funny, how I've always liked your mind [or platinum mine]...


Say you care, then you'll learn,
And you'll see how it's done...
So sad that you can't see,
What I have seen for soooo long,
So sad that you can't see,
What's lovely can be so wrong...

I had s'more 'wrong' lyrics, but these are all I can think of right now.

Thanks, IfICouldFall. Since I now have a computer w/ the Internet now, I can watch YouTube as often as I like!!! Thank God I won't have to use public computers anymore!!!

It's okay; you straight. I would transcribe it, but I don't have a notation program, which costs and arm and a leg. Hell, I don't even know how those things work! But I'll see what I can do... when I get a job. But in the meantime, the only thing I can do is put my versions of V's songs up on YouTube. Anyway, I know you guys are spoiled when it comes to receiving sheet music for Van's music. There's only 2 artists I know of - V has sheet music of almost every song. made for her, and Josh Groban has every interview, performance, tv appearance, and video of him on a website for the fans. These talented transcribers figure out most of the notes, and I either figure out the rest or put my own interpretation on Van's transcribed music.

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