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Messages - Moogs21

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General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Ameriteen
« on: September 07, 2004, 05:38:29 pm »
Quote from: "m125 Boy"
She has never made a recording of it. It has only been done live.

Well, where are the bootlegs???

I've tried cutting and pasting this, and it just never works.
If anyone finds an easier way to send it/read it, please let me know.

Have I ever told you I love you?

Anyway. How do I print this?

Does anyone have it as a pdf file? Or something that I could print?

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / WH on
« on: August 23, 2004, 07:25:59 pm »
Yeah! And today (or I just realised it today) that it says its on the top 100


I havn't promoted it on radio or anything.
I was at walmart the other day, and they had these little keychains that had that magnetic stuff (you know, that you drew on as a young child, and the magnetic flakes stuck to it underneath)... So I wrote "Vanessa Carlton Harmonium October 19".
I feel as if I've done my part!

« on: August 19, 2004, 04:24:48 pm »
I picked Kiera.

Because she was in PotC, with Orlando, so she totally wins my vote.

Quote from: "divasteph"
i think she is just a little jealous of jenny -- cause jenny is perfect on the outside - jenny seems like the best thing ever - but when vanessa tries to be free and careless like jenny she realizes jenny's world isn't for her...
i think that's what she is talking about...

I kind of got that too, in a little different way. I kind of thought that Jenny was some popular pretty girl, but might of not been all there in the head, hence the clever part that she says...

Quote from: "amberbeads"
I have a lyrical theory... maybe this is obvious but whatever i'm saying it anyway.
I think what's happening in WH is that she and four female friends are living together. In the beginning they have tons of fun and all that, but then they all fall for the same guy. When she says maybe i'm more clever than a girl like her, she is thinking about whether or not she's slick enough to get the guy before any of her friends do. So then she DOES get the guy, right, and he's really cute and stuff and they have sex.
but he turns out to be totally not worth it ("he's my first mistake") and basically ditches her. which explains the line we all fell in love and we all got hurt. vanessa gets hurt by the guy and the friends all get hurt because he doesn't want them. so then towards the end: maybe you were all faster than me/you give each other up so easily, this guy basically tore them all apart and now feel so far from where i've been she's just thinking about how they used to be so close and now they've totally split apart and then the rest is self-explanatory.
what think you?

Wow that makes a lot of sense. Thanks.

I have a few questions about the lyrics.

We've covered the White houses and snow bit.... But then why does it talk about summer? "Summer's full in bloom, Summer's ending soon". Just wondering.

And a few times she mentioned "the five of us" and that they were in love...With each other? Sorry, that was my first thought "Where's the love triangle and whatnot".

Just my random thoughts...

I think it's funny that Vanessa's Tshirt is the 3rd highest price right now!

Higher than Ryan Seacrest and JC Chasez!!


Quote from: "divasteph"

i saw this thread and got horrible flashbacks

Sorry! :(

But thanks for clearing it up..
It was just one of those things that I've always thought about, but never asked.

Who actually came up with the term 'Nessaholic'?
Was it a single person, or a big group or what...

I've just always wondered...

Darn! So now when the CD quality comes out, I'm on another person's computer, and don't have any cd's to burn off!
Oh well!
There will be a new song downloaded onto this computer!!!

Quote from: "amberbeads"
okay, you know what?
you guys wait and wait and wait for this new song, and for the video.
so we see the video and you complain about her dancing.
so we hear the song and you complain about the piano.
i am thrilled to hear anything at all from vanessa. Third eye blind fans tend to wait FOREVER to hear music and we're thrilled with whatever we're lucky enough to get. give the girl a break, she's proud of what she's done and you all should be too.

I agree too.

I think it's because we are nessaholics, kind of like a drug adicts. You give us a little and we just want MORE and MORE Vanessa!

Polls / Will "White Houses" flop?
« on: August 04, 2004, 08:06:03 pm »
Well... I really like it.
But my tastes are far from the crap they play on the radio these days!

It's... different, I think. I guess that's what I like.

I'm not sure if it's popish enough to suit those airbrained preteens who buy music...
(that was mean, but that was my thought)

I hope not, too much flopping can cause no more albums! Then I'd cry!

Entertainment - Movies / TV / Books / I Love the 90s
« on: August 04, 2004, 02:55:57 pm »
Quote from: "Dancernl"
I didn't think it was as good as I Love the 80's.  It's still waaaaay too soon to talk about the 90's.

I agree

I love "I love the 80's strikes back". I think that's my favorite series... I also loved the other 80's and 70's. It's always cool to look back on things that happend, in a funny way.

I was disapointed with I Love the 90's. The comedians weren't as funny, and the producers didn't dig up enough (in my thoughts). Maybe it is just too soon for all those things to be funny. I don't know. I hope the second part will be better.

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