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Messages - Jessica

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it's crazy how the video makes me like the song now. before i didn't really like it too much. but now it's fun. i put it on my myspace to spread the word!

i think my favorite part is is her flapping victor's ears. so random haha. the unicorn riding cop and giant mushrooms are cool too.

and yeah i totally though AOL messed up and put the ATM video instead. nice! haha.

i LOVE it. it makes me like the song more.


my doggie plays fetch in the pool. :)

eventually she learned that she can just jump in and swim whenever she wants and doesn't only have to get in to retrieve a ball hah

Completely Off-Topic / Anti Virus
« on: August 21, 2007, 12:46:53 am »
is it true macs cant get a virus?
i dont have any protection software on my powerbook, and i've had it for 2 years and never even had a pop up. i constantly delete cookies and stuff to try to clean it up but could any real damage be made?

Polls / pet friendly colleges
« on: August 21, 2007, 12:42:03 am »
Quote from: "tylor2000"
For instance, at one time I had found, by word of mouth, a two bedroom apartment for $450, where two couples lived, me and my girlfriend and her friend and boyfriend.  That's $112.50 a month for rent!  Enough for lots of beer and parties.  Extreme example but still.  We were very low drama, which is the only way.....for sure.

$450 for a 2 bedroom apt?! where the hell do you live?!  $450 wont even be close to cover half the rent in a ghetto place over here. damn.

Polls / NetFlix or Blockbuster Total Access
« on: August 21, 2007, 12:37:27 am »
bonus points for nextflix! i'm pretty sure two movies (i was sending back to them) were stolen out of my mailbox, and netflix didnt charge me anything! so yay netflix!

Completely Off-Topic / School dress codes
« on: August 18, 2007, 12:48:12 am »
i went to a private high school and my uniform wasn't even as strict as that dress code. ours were kind of cute actually... like from the "baby one more time" video. and it was all girls, so they didn't care that our skirts barely covered out butts.

i would complain until they changed it.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Official Vanessa Pictures Thread
« on: August 12, 2007, 11:33:54 pm »
Quote from: "tylor2000"
Quote from: "me and my piano---tim"
Quote from: "Manda"
short chick? Tylor I thought she was tall! But very very beautiful. I could listen to her talk about any thing all day with a stupid smile on my face.  :oops:

me too hahaha  :lol:

I don't know, how tall is she?  5'4"?  That was my impression.  I'm 5'11", not that tall, but tall enough to think so I guess.  Maybe she is 5'6".....

she looks really short to me... i'm 5'10 ish, i'd say she's about 5'4"

Completely Off-Topic / how do you....
« on: August 06, 2007, 06:04:06 pm »
brush your teeth! after your teeth feel all minty and clean you wont want to eat anything! chewing gum also does the same... or distract yourself! or i just look at a part of my body im not happy with and imagine fat adding on to it and that usually grosses me out enough to not want to eat it hah.

Completely Off-Topic / Vegan or Vegetarian?
« on: August 01, 2007, 11:37:14 pm »
Quote from: "tylor2000"
Hey Jessica, can you tell us what a vegetarian diet in your family was like?  I'm very curious.  Did you guys have certain concerns or ideas on how you would receive the nutrition you needed?  And how did you get around those.  Not that you were really really worried, I'm just wondering what the make up of the diet was.  Even for people who eat meat the information could be useful and interesting.  There are probably variations from vegetarian to vegetarian, so the more perspective we can get the better.

it wasn't strictly vegetarian, we still some meat such as chicken, but we mostly tried to make foods that we all could eat... and over time we just ate less and less meat. theres lots of meals you can make without meat... eggplant parmesan is delicious, fresh buffalo mozarella salads with basil leaves, olive oil and tomatoes, spinach quiche, asian style stir fry tofu, vegetable sushi & tempura, bean tostadas, cheese and onion empanadas, grilled vegetable sandwiches, theres tons of options!

i've heard soy isn't all that great for you. there are some pros and cons but studies show that certain amounts of soy in your diet can lead to some types of health issues. milk grosses me out (its not even good for you), or the taste of soy milk, but i dont like eating cereal dry so i usually go for rice milk.

Completely Off-Topic / Vegan or Vegetarian?
« on: July 29, 2007, 07:33:29 pm »
my sister has been a vegetarian since she was 16 (shes 27 now) and since then my family hasnt been eating as much meat. i didnt start eating red meat again until i was 18 or so but im still not a big fan of it. i get grossed out eating any animal really easily so i kind of have to lie to myself and distract myself when eating chicken or turkey or something. i love cheese (fresh buffalo mozzarella) and grilled veggies, avocado, beans.... garden burgers, morningstar chick patties, theres lots of meat-less options. even at in n out... their veggies burgers are sooo good and you cant even really taste the difference.

Live Shows / 7/24/2007: Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA
« on: July 24, 2007, 01:22:51 am »
Quote from: "eclv"
Anyone else who wants to meet us at The Griddle on Sunset/Fairfax at 1pm, come on!

Jess, you know we got you girl! Besides, all you people are tall so you can easily see over my head, haha.

My number is still the same as well. I will call you Steph if you don't reply.

Soooo excited!!  :D

ooh griddles sound yummy! but i can't go :( i'm dragging my friend with me to the show and she doesnt get off work till 3 and i dont want to make her drive there alone... well regardless i will see you guys there!

i feel sorry for whomever ends up behind me and my tall self. hahha.

Live Shows / 7/24/2007: Roxy Theatre - West Hollywood, CA
« on: July 23, 2007, 03:35:53 pm »
how early is everyone getting there?
i want to be in the front but standing in line (or standing in general) messes up my back (i'm an old lady with a slipped disk in my back lol) so i didnt want to get there too early... if doors open at 7:30... then maybe  6:30?? i dunnoo

Polls / What is your internet speed?
« on: July 23, 2007, 02:04:31 pm »

ok, so i called time warner to find out why my internet is so slow.. and it said that that speed is normal for the package we have... which is ridiculous because they said we were getting the fastest available when we signed up.
so i'm looking at other options, but i'm confused since i dont know the equivalents between kbps, M, or MB.

i'm looking up AT&T and it said their fastest available DSL is

 IP Address:  1 Dynamic
Downstream Speed: Up to 6.0 Mbps
Upstream Speed: Up to 768 Kbps

at 34.99 a month.

is DSL wireless? (we have 3 apple laptops and a desktop PC)
and what is the difference between DSL and cable broadband??

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