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Messages - HarmoniumBaby05

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She played for about an hour. It was a Springfest with her, Greenwheel, Tanto Metro and Devonte, and Lloyd Banks. Lloyd never showed up though.

Quote from: "BWilli" that show did happen.

Yes, so far I know she did these songs:
Papa, Ordinary Day, Who's To Say, White Houses, Wanted, Private Radio, She Floats (which I loved!!!) Half a Week Before the Winter and A Thousand Miles. She did one song that had her singing (ba da da da da) in the background of the chorus and I don't know what song it is!


Hi I'm new and I went to the Plattsburgh show! It was so cool! I've never heard her music live before and I loved it so much. I wish there was a setlist so I could figure out what songs she did.

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