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Messages - waybeyond

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself / thanks for the wild and wonderful welcome
« on: July 24, 2005, 03:03:33 pm »
thanks to all for the welcome.  just returned from out of town and have laughing at the messages especially thinking arby's and VC's fans tend to be rather obsessive, yes I agree and great fun at that.

I have purchased the remaining VC cd's at Best Buy's in the area for friends they love her music!

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Radio Air Time
« on: July 16, 2005, 03:01:37 pm »
Quote from: "angelheart56"
haha glad you found your way over from the official board!!!

LOL, it took some time to do this but by jove i got it!  This is an eclectic group of individuals and cool persons.  Thanks.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Re: New Vanessa Carlton Fan
« on: July 16, 2005, 02:59:42 pm »
Quote from: "Cowboystrader"
You're awesome. Glad you found Vanessa Carlton's music. She pretty cool huh? Talk to you sometime maybe. Later,


Hi Chris,

Yes she is quite the artist.  Thanks.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Radio Air Time
« on: July 16, 2005, 01:36:13 pm »

Just joined and sent a intro to I suppose another site.  Anyway just heard VC at the Nissan Pavillion concert and was blown away by her music.  Purchased both CD's this week and am on a mission to get at least White Houses air time.  How can it not be on the air??

Huge Stevie fan and thankful to her for turning me on to VC.   :D

Introduce Yourself / Just joined - Nissan Pavillion Concert
« on: July 16, 2005, 01:32:02 pm »
Hi everyone,

Went to the Nissan Pavillion, DC area show to see Stevie Nicks as I am a life long fan.  Great seats - 6th row orchestra.  Must say that I was floored by Vanessa Carlton.  Did not know who she was prior to the concert.  Was so moved and impressed with her music that I went to Stevie's site and found her name.  Joined VC's fan site and through a few very nice people such as Nicole was directed to this site.  Gotta tell in one week now own all ov VC's cd's and can't understand among many of her tunes how at least  "White Houses" did not give air time in this area, it is a phenomenal tune.   I have been contacting the pop stations and requested it, so stay tuned.  Glad to be here.
Michele :o

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