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Messages - Melody

Pages: [1]
General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Is this true....
« on: March 21, 2006, 08:59:03 am »
I dunno...I've written songs before that were too hard for me to play...
cause you can hear it & thrn get it down on paper, but maybe you just can't play it fast enough...

Creative Endeavors / My piano recordings :: check out the new one's!
« on: March 15, 2006, 10:21:09 am »
Do you mind telling me how to transfer a cassette recording to the computer to share with others on a forum? I'm dying to know. If you don't know, then can you point me to someone who does? Thanks. Smile

-Elicia H.

wow, I have no that even possible?
cause if it is, I'm curious about it too...

Completely Off-Topic / RIP Dana Reeves :-(
« on: March 15, 2006, 10:17:15 am »
I never knew very much about her, but she always looked so strong.  When her husband died, she just didn't fall to pieces, she was strong I think for everyone else.  And those people deserve everything we can give them.  What wouldn't I do to be like that?
My thoughts are going out to her son.  I hope he's doing ok.  At least he has the knowledge that he had two kickass parents.

Creative Endeavors / does anyone have any good songwriting tips?
« on: March 15, 2006, 10:07:27 am »
I'd say that what's helped me the most is reading other artists' music.  That way I've gotten a general feel for the way chord progressions are in most songs.
Don't try to write lyrics about something you don't understand.  If you are absorbed by a feeling or really moved by something, then the words should come easier, because there'll be so much more to say.
I'd also say keep to a general structure: verse, chorus, verse, chorus, bridge, chorus.  I mean, you can shake it up, but most songs follow that.
And most importantly, keep writing.  I don't think anyone's songs are very good at first, but as you write more and more you'll get better.

Creative Endeavors / Believe in Yourself (MP3)
« on: March 15, 2006, 09:59:31 am »
wow, cool.
You're an excellent pianist.  The music had me hooked from the beginning.  It  just picked me up & swept me away.  :razz:

I had this dream where my house was an institution for the depressed, and everyone I know was there.  They were all just milling around, being really sad, and not doing much, and I was really depressed too.
I was in my bedroom when I saw I flash of someone running by the window.  
It turned out to be Vanessa Carlton dressed in a big dog suit.  She was just running around and laughing like that.  It turns out that she was the only one there that wasn't depressed or all emo. (haha imagine that)
Then I was sitting at the table with her and I was stirring my cereal and I had a really sad face on and she was laughing at me because of it and poking me.
Then I woke up b/c my friend was poking me to get up.   :)

Introduce Yourself / It's me!
« on: March 15, 2006, 09:37:40 am »
Hi, this is my first post here.
I'm Melody, and I'm from, so maybe you'll know me if you post there.
Um...let's see...I'm 16...almost 17...I'm in high school, and I homeschool....but I still try to spend as little time on it as possible!
I like acting, playing guitar, and writing.  I have other hobbies too, but those are the main things that take up my life.
And I think that's about all!  :razz:

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