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Messages - soVANE86

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i was listening to Q104 here in cleveland today and actually they played "nolita fairytale" twice in one hour.. but only because they have these contests where its an artists new song vs. another artists new song.  it was vanessa carlton 'nolita fairytale' vs pink 'who knew'. everyone who called in, except one person, voted for pink, and quite a bit of people called in. i'm thinking people won't be liking the new single?? but maybe it will catch on, kinda like how pink's first single 'u & ur hand' really struggled the first few weeks until people caught on. and if not, i'm sure HOM will blow people away when it hits radio!    <--- if you go there, you can vote for 'nolita fairytale' to help lol.. cause we all know who deserves to win. the poll's only for today though, so it might be changed by the time some of you read it :(

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