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Messages - MikeSter4

Pages: [1]
General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / It's leaked
« on: September 26, 2007, 01:49:24 pm »
I really like all of them, but if I had to pick my favorite it would still have to be BNN.  I don't know everything about that album was just incredible - however H&T comes very close.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / It's leaked
« on: September 26, 2007, 01:41:23 pm »
Cool, cool.  Yeah I wouldn't give it to them either.  It's one thing that it is leaked, but another when you help spread it around.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / It's leaked
« on: September 26, 2007, 01:34:02 pm »
^^   Are you talking to me???

I already have it, have had it for a few days now.  It leaked on a different site from the one you are getting it from.

Anyway, it's a great album.  And will def. support Vanessa when it comes out.  I heard a rumor that Best Buy is going to release a special edition with one or two more tracks.

Oh and about the new name -  I forgot my password to my old account MikeSter24, lol...   I can't even remember what e-mail address I used.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / It's leaked
« on: September 26, 2007, 01:25:05 pm »
Love the new songs.

And BTW, to all you people complaining about it being leaked....

Do you really think it was leaked on accident?  Haha, no way there is a reason why her and everyother atrtists albums have been leaking.  Its the record companies doing it to create buzz = more spins on the radio/more talk about the album to push its sales when it is finally released to the public.

Do I agree with it? not really, but there is no getting away from it.

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