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Messages - MetalSubstance

Pages: [1]
Hi all,

I fell completely in love with the Be Not Nobody CD when it first came out in 2002.  The melodies were some of the most passionate, emotional, and compelling that I've heard in a long time! The only other CD that was able to even remotely compare was Tori Amos's Little Earthquakes.

Unfortunately, Vanessa's other two albums did not move me as deeply as her first one, as she seemed to abandon her style to become more lighthearted (especially on Heroes and Thieves).  At the same time, Tori Amos changed her style as well since Under The Pink -- even though I loved all her works between that album and To Venus And Back, none of them packed the punch like Little Earthquakes did.  (Don't get me started on Strange Little Girls and beyond...)

So, are there any albums out there as powerful and emotional as the two albums that I've mentioned?  I know that there are a bunch of female-fronted heavy metal bands today that play in that passionate and compelling symphonic style, but I'm not looking for metal bands.

--Metal Substance

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