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Messages - countvongroovy

Pages: [1] 2
Creative Endeavors / Opinions?
« on: October 26, 2004, 09:19:36 am »
My friend decided to record some of Nessa's songs that he knew and he knows that I am a big fan and wanted me to give this link to all of you.  On the page are all of his recordings, but h just wanted to know, from the fans, how he matches up, or just what you think in general.

Here's the link to the recordings:

If you post your comments here, I can be the messenger and tell him what ya'll think.

Thank you!


General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / YES!
« on: March 28, 2004, 11:10:24 am »
Me too, please!  I have been dying for these two pieces of music.  Can you send them to me either in pm or at  THank you!

Also, does anybody have "Little Mary"?  It is my most favorite song on the demo CD.


General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Albums, demos, singles, etc.
« on: November 16, 2003, 09:23:12 pm »

The drums are so cool!  

I think it's a really really good song and I would love to hear preliminary sketches of it.  I LOVE that song!  Prince rocks!


General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Albums, demos, singles, etc.
« on: November 16, 2003, 09:37:35 am »
Just cuz they're the same songs though doesn't mean they're the same versions.  I think it's really cool to listen to like, the billions of versions of Ordinary Day we have and to see how a song and an artist progresses.  I think that's one of the best things about this Nessaholic community, how we all follow the same thing and see how the songs come about and all that.  It's really cool.  So the Adventure Playground tracks are the exact same as they are on BnN?  So was it just a sampler disc or something as a precursor to BnN?


General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / yeah
« on: November 16, 2003, 12:40:01 am »
I'm with blueglove.  Why doesn't the owner of share?  I thought we were like a family here, eh?


General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / I thought it had more
« on: November 15, 2003, 03:46:23 pm »
How do we know that it just has two tracks?  And how did you get the cover image?  Does somebody actually have one?

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Adventure Playground
« on: November 15, 2003, 03:02:28 pm » has a cover image for Adventure Playground and I remember a lot of talk about it on the O-board a long time ago.  Does ANYONE know more about it?  Or where it goes in the Nessa discography chronology?


General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Albums, demos, singles, etc.
« on: November 15, 2003, 01:23:21 pm »
So I would just like some things cleared up for me because I'm a tad confused.

What order were these made in?  And which ones are the same?  And why haven't I heard about "Adventure Playground" in a LONG time?

Demo Tape, (other) Demo Tape (?), Peter Zizzo Demo, Adventure Playground, Rinse, BnN

I just don't understand which ones are which and what each one had on them?  

And I was wondering if anyone has heard a demo version of Prince because I was looking on everybody's Nessa sites and there seems to be Prince on all the demos listed.  

I'm just enquiring,


General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / B&P
« on: November 03, 2003, 09:09:28 pm »
So who do I talk to so that I can send my B&P and receive a WONDERFUL demo CD?



General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / ...
« on: October 09, 2003, 05:39:41 pm »
I don't think it was her.  She spelled "hear" wrong.  She spelled it "here" and Nessa hasn't ever spelled things wrong in her posts in the past.

If it was though... ROCK ON!  Hehe, I like a lil' psycho ev'ry once in a while.


General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Ooooooooo
« on: September 04, 2003, 02:43:24 pm »
Yes, MIDI or PDF works fine with me!!  Thank you so much!  

This song is SO beautiful, I'm so glad it got leaked out, thanks blackvulture!


General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / My new favorite song...
« on: September 03, 2003, 08:43:26 pm »
Is it just me or is "All I Ask" one of, if not THE BEST Nessa song?

I just feel in love with it, the piano is beautiful, her voice sounds perfect, and the lyrics are STUNNING, I could read them all day.

Does anybody have the notes for it?  I would love to be able to play that song.

Anyway, if not it's cool, just sharing my love for this beautiful song, it's my new favorite.


Completely Off-Topic / Winter Songs!
« on: August 05, 2003, 02:52:23 pm »
Alright, so before I asked for songs that remind you of summer and I got a good list.  So now I'm asking for winter songs.  Songs that remind you of winter by how they sounds.  So far I just have two:
Jewel - Foolish Games
Michelle Branch - Are You Happy Now (sorta works)

but I'm having a hard time thinking of others.  Anyone have any suggestions?  And I don't care if they're "good" or "bad" songs, suggestions from the beatles to coldplay to nessa to britney spears are all good with me.



Completely Off-Topic / Summer Songs?
« on: July 31, 2003, 10:36:41 pm »
Hey all, I'm trying to make a CD that has songs that sounds like summer.  Like, songs that are perfect for riding a convertible on a sunny day in the country-side, that kinds of summer, y'know what I'm talking about?  I was just wondering if anybody had any good songs, this is my list so far:
Justin Timberlake - Let's Take A Ride
Mariah Carey - Dreamlover
Christina Aguilera - Cruz
O-Town - We Fit Together
Janet Jackson - Someone To Call My Lover
LFO - Summer Girls

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Now this one's quite old but...
« on: July 25, 2003, 02:04:52 pm »
Whatever happened to "Dark Carnival" and "Spyhunter2"?  I haven't heard any news on the development, release date, CD rip or anything of the song nor the game.  Anyone have more info?


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