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Messages - Justin

Pages: [1] 2 3
I just got finished watching the E-CD video. It was pretty interesting.

Was that Toni in the video? Now I can brag to my friends that I know someone who was a part of a major album.

i might try this. I've only been to one show (the one in august) But I've played her album countless times.

Completely Off-Topic / You LJ Knowledgable People
« on: November 13, 2003, 02:35:01 pm »
Hey guys, I havent posted in a while due to school and stuff.

I sort of changed my look.



Other Musicians / YELLOWCARD
« on: October 09, 2003, 11:22:54 pm »
Quote from: "kiisnsync"
yeah... and yellowcard is really trying to get their name and music out there! why else would they make apearances on shows like Pepsi Smash, have their song played on a popular show the OC, and have all these contests like the one i'm participating in now that the purpose is to get people to spread their music around. one girl was like "it's the fault of people of you that tickets for their shows are harder to get and more expensive now!" so instead of doing what the band wants, these people are doing the opposite.

It seems to be working. I loved "way away" being played during Madden 2004. It made me want to discover their past albums (via "special sources") and buying their cd. It was only $10 at best buy and its a good CD. I wonder if they are coming to NYC soon.

Live Shows / Farm Aid - Sept. 7, Columbus, OH
« on: August 27, 2003, 11:39:10 am »
Quote from: "jsbachsonata"
I BEG SOMEONE TO RECORD THE NEW SONGS IN THIS SHOW!! I implore you people who are going to the show. * I am down on my knees * There are so many people out there who can't make it to the show but are really desperate to hear Nessa's new stuff. Even if the recordings sucks really bad, it doesn't matter, as long as we can hear the tune. THANK YOU.

I second that.

Completely Off-Topic / Plan to NOT buy Pepsi for a while
« on: August 24, 2003, 08:05:06 am »
I dont care if it says "worship satan" on the bottle. I'm still drinking pepsi....well diet pepsi that is. I couldnt stomach coke if my life depended on it.

Completely Off-Topic / Diet Pepsi addict
« on: August 19, 2003, 05:28:48 pm »
I seem to be the only one who likes Diet Pepsi Twist.

Lemons in your soda taste different.

I gotta try diet vanilla pepsi.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / I'm The Next Vanessa
« on: August 13, 2003, 04:21:52 pm »
Hehehe, I used to get that when I ran a fan site for an obscure actress.

I'm planning on doing a fan site for Amy Davidson one of these days. (she's the redhead on 8 simple rules). The first thing I'll do link a message in big bold letter that i'm not said actress.

Live Shows / Pro-Voice - Central Park show Aug 7th!
« on: August 11, 2003, 06:02:14 pm »
Quote from: "PintOGuinness"
My Vanessa shots...

These are greatly reduced in size.. I was taking VERY high res pics...  1600x1200 originals. If anyone wants them drop me a PM.

Awesome pics man. A lot better than mine.

Of course no one has pics of me. (yet.)

Live Shows / Pro-Voice - Central Park show Aug 7th!
« on: August 08, 2003, 09:55:05 pm »
Here are my pics!

I made them waaay smaller than they are. I'll put up the higher quality versions later on. There are one or two pics of nessa that will make great wallpaper for your desktop!

Live Shows / Pro-Voice - Central Park show Aug 7th!
« on: August 08, 2003, 07:33:20 pm »
if that show were an ebay auction i'd put in the positive feedback


I'm sorry some of you had to put up with my smoking. :(

I usually dont smoke that often and I quit on and off.

One down point was that girl with the 'tude who had the nerve to speak during the show. Luckily I managed to shut her up (before I could get "ignorant" with her)

I'm gonna try getting the pics up either tonite or tomorrow night. (I have a migraine folks). I have to put it into separate sections (Hi rez and Low rez for the modem folks)

All the pics are good for desktop wallpaper (1600x2400 rez)
especially the ones of Nessa.

Live Shows / Pro-Voice - Central Park show Aug 7th!
« on: August 07, 2003, 08:30:21 am »
Quote from: "NYnessaholicGina"
awwww yay todays the day guys!!!!!! hope you all are having a great time in NYC and have a great time at the concert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(god i wanted to meet u all soooo bad :cry:  :cry: )

there's still time....

i'm out myself.

i hope every has my cell # since I posted it 10,000 times.

Live Shows / Pro-Voice - Central Park show Aug 7th!
« on: August 06, 2003, 09:47:11 pm »
Quote from: "Emily"
Quote from: "Justin"

Is that a LI #?

Being the indecisive one that I am I still haven't decided whether I am going, aah, buuut, I wasn't able to get a ticket since when I went to the city it was raining a lot and I didn't feel like walking to the mtv store.  have you decided on a meeting place?  and where in central park is the stage?  and how do i take the subway there from like grand central if anyone knows?  thems subway maps confuzzle me.

Ok take the 1 or 9 to Columbus Circle and then walk east. Its going to be a hike. (After all its CP.)

The meeting place is the front of the line.  :D  I should be there around 1 or 2 o'clock. I STRONGLY URGE YOU TO GET THERE EARLY IF YOU WANT TO GET A GOOD SPOT. ITS GENERAL ADMISSION
Dont follow the "doors open at 5:45pm" stuff on the ticket. Get there early! I cannot stress this any further.

Look for a black guy with a mets hat or a bald head (if i can get my hair cut prior to getting on the train.)

Once again my number is 631 384 2029. Feel free to call me at anytime if you are lost or something.

One more word of advice. *try* to pack light. They WILL check your bags. A lighter bag will get you in sooner. Trust me on this.

here' s the weather forcast.;sz=300x250;ord=2003.

i suggest you bring at least a sweatshirt. its going to rain in the afternoon, but it should subside when Vanessa Peforms (which should be 9 or 10pm approx.)

Live Shows / Pro-Voice - Central Park show Aug 7th!
« on: August 04, 2003, 07:16:41 pm »
I strongly suggest we choose a meeting spot. Central Park is very huge and its easy to get lost in.

I plan to be there hopefully by 1 or 2pm at the front of the line, i'll try my best to save my fellow nessaholics a spot.

Also post your cellphone numbers. Mine is:


Write it down, print it out, tattoo it on your body or something.
Should you wonder where I or others may be feel free to call.
(if you dont want your cell# out in the open, just pm it to me)

edit unfortunately I have no more tickets to give out.

Live Shows / Pro-Voice - Central Park show Aug 7th!
« on: August 03, 2003, 06:18:32 pm »
Quote from: "kiisnsync"
i'm posting this message for Dave (drtigtom21)
he wants to go to the central park show but needs a ticket! can anyone help him out?

email him at
or im him, his aim is Quackerz80

i got his back. i'll IM him tomorrow.

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