I was listening to Vanessa in my car this morning, as usual, and was thinking about all this parts of V's songs that give me chills everytime I listen to them. It can be only like 1-2 or seconds or maybe a whole song. I'd be interested to know if we fans share the same favorites

So here's my the list, with no specific order, I'm looking forward to read yours

1. The very end of "Spring Street" when the voices singing "na-na-na" fade and for a brief second, the last "naaa", you only hear V's voice.
2. The part were Vanessa double tracks herself on "This Time" when singing "It just seems I should confess / Who am I to pretend"
3. The screaming/fake choir part in "She Floats"
4. Every single high note in "White Houses" and "More Than This"
5. The moment in "The One" were the song kind of re-starts after a few seconds of silence (starting with "But you'll always be my golden boy"
6. Still in "The One", at the end of the song, the second "I don't need you to tell me I'm the one" that she sings without Stevie Nicks.
7. The choir part in "Hands On Me"
8. The choir part in "More Than This" - "Let's make this our story...."
9. The beginning and re-start of the song in "Annie" (piano part).
Well, I probably have tons of other I just don't think of at the moment, cause I gotta go... Sorry if Im bothering you with another thread... again...