Live Shows / Re: 11/15 Largo, West Hollywood (review)
« on: November 16, 2013, 01:36:57 pm »
The show was SO amazing. Vanessa and Skye put on a phenomenal show. Her voice was so rich and powerful-- I was so awe-struck! And it was really nice to see her there with Skye, because his violin just makes the songs even more beautiful. She also had her goddaughter/niece come out to sing the "we will live like kings under lavender skies" part at the end of Bride (with the girls from Birdcloud), which I thought was SO sweet, although we couldn't really hear her. She came out to the merch table after to say hi and also sign. I was fortunate to get Skye's setlist, which I had him and Vanessa sign. I think I was probably incredibly awkward with them, but arghhhhh, I just need to get over that. It was great to meet them, even if I did seem like a crazed fan!