It was sooooooo lovely to see her again. I forgot for 1.5 hours that I had a baby at the hotel down the road. she always transports me to another place, it was nice to have my mind emptied and then filled with her amazing music! Speaking of babies, Sidney was there in the audience during most of the show. Pictures do not do her justice, she is way cuter in person! I wanted to take a picture but I knew that wasn't the right thing to do, i'm not paparazzi! Her mother was there taking care of Sidney as well as her father. That's the first time I've ever seen him at a show -Vanessa said they don't live too far from this town. I think there was some other family there as well, one woman kind of looked like her but pretty positive it was not her sister, possibly a cousin. (speaking of her sister, she never talks about her, just her brother.. I always wonder about that) When the show was done she came down and hugged another woman sitting at the same table. During the show she mentioned that Jo her friend and artist from ROTR was there, and she was also at that same table (right next to my table). She did talk a lot, which I always love. I thought my flip camera was charging in the car on the drive from home, but when I got there it had very little battery so I only recorded the two songs that were new to me, blue pool and river. if you'd like the video let me know and i'll up load it but I see that Emily already did one. Most of the people there were very respectful and in to the music. there was one table some where behind me that I could hear talking during a few songs which bothered me but I was able to block them out or they stopped. one group of girls got rowdy during a few songs but because they love her/the songs, not in a disrespectful way. skye was rocking his new do, which I did not notice on his twitter/facebook. he never looked "old" but this cut makes him look a lot younger and more attractive! a very flattering style for him
here is the set list:
Carousel with learning to fly intro (bummed, I wanted to hear the other intro!)
Hands (which she called old, emo, and "deep cut") I love this song so much, especially the last verse!
take it easy
white houses (she talked about her brother not liking the bridge as before, but also added she is fighting with her brother right now, sorry Vanessa!)
blue pool
river (which she said is towards the end of the album)
unlock the lock
bride (she said she likes to play bride after atm because they are like bookends. I love when she plays this live, even better than the album version. I feel there is more of a build up to the end. the live version is so pure and she plays the intro in the higher key so it's just so beautiful.
marching line
I don't believe she said anything more or different than in the other shows reviewed, and I do not have a great memory (plus mommy brain!) that's why I usually record the intro to each song.
the only thing I do really remember is that she was drinking wine and said it helped with the milk and then she said "gross" -- and I wanted to shout NO IT'S NOT GROSS! go on with your milking self. she should never be ashamed to talk about her milk or breastfeeding her baby! but also that wine doesn't help, it's the hops in beer that helps increase milk production!

(well it's an old wives talk not backed by studies) she also said that the wine was making her flushed when it hadn't in the past