« on: May 03, 2008, 01:27:35 pm »
Hello All,
Pivoting off the posts of BNN's 6th anniversary, I reflected on what it is to be a VC fan. H&T isn't exactly burning up the charts, and it looks as if that no one is doing anything about it except VC herself. Most likely, that's probably about it for the album. The gross failure of the new label to get her on New York radio is just unacceptable, but I'll stop short of dissing The Inc. because they offered her a deal after the pissing contest she had with A&M, and I appreciate Irv's consideration. I realize I don't know the whole story. Budgets are being cut and music biz people are being shown the door, so that may be a contributing factor.
IMO, BNN was good, Harmonium was staggeringly great, and this one is solid, but I don't have the same emotional connection all the way through that I do with the previous albums.
I think I will stick by Vanessa. When all is said and done, she makes good, honest, uncompromising music. The record company suits that don't get her can all go take a long walk off a short pier. I'm a loyal fan in that when I like a band or artist, I stay a fan until something really off-putting takes place(say if VC went techno or electronica or something).
Even then, I'll still enjoy the old stuff.
This won't be a popular viewpoint, but IMO a lot of H&T tracks are a hard sell. Who here can relate to having a rent-controlled apartment in NYC? Stevie Nicks as your buddy? Anyone? What was the last hit song that had a Dalai Lama reference? VC's joy and sorrow comes through in these tracks, and that, being part of her honesty, is what I enjoy about her. She made an album about where she was in 06/07, literally and figuratively. The oft-quoted law is "write what you know".
VC has said that she is NOT a pop princess. Perhaps that's true, but ATM and OD were successful pop singles, some of the best in recent times, and as much as I like it, I grit my teeth a little when I hear Sara Bareilles' "Love Song" on the radio. I wish VC was coming up with things like that. I think she will, and I'll predict the next album will be a return to form.
Those are my views, and I know not everyone shares them. I'd like to hear yours. How do you feel, as fans, some recent, some since the beginning? I'm happy to still be in her corner, and she has all my support.