Live Shows / Indianapolis 02/22/2017 Schrott's Center for the Performing Arts REVIEW
« on: February 22, 2017, 11:49:27 am »
Will leave review after show. Anyone else going? Am hoping there is booze sold there.
Also am excited this is the first show of the tour, have only gone during the middle before, don't know what to expect!
Hey guys! OMG the show was outstanding!! It started about 45 minutes late, and then she had an opening act on for about 35, but it's okay! Just hung out with some wine. I was able to nab the setlist, but left it at my boyfriends, so I'm trying to remember the order.
She started with ATM which I thought was nice, she said "let's just get this over with"
Then Carousel with Learning to Fly intro
Hands on me I think next
Guys she played Annie!!!!! I could hear her warming up and playing it before the show, but I didn't think there was any way she would. It was beautiful!
Then Who's to Say? I think?
Maybe White Houses next
She played Take it Easy then moved to Operator with no introduction
Marching Line maybe?
I know I'm missing something, her encore was Bride.
So no new songs, but she did keep saying to Skye " we gotta change this set list" so i don't know if that was her joking or if she really wants to change it. Would have loved to have heard something new, but I really loved the set. Would have been happy if she had played Best Behavior
All in all it was a great show, it was a big arts venue, and some of the seats weren't filled up, I think Ticket Master pre purchased them because they weren't available when I tried to buy tickets. Anyway, the opening act said anyone was welcome to fill up the seats. I think people were hesitant, but I said screw it, what will they do, just make us go back to our old seats? So we went from a balcony seat to front row touching the stage! It was fantastic.
She met with people after the show to sign things.
Merch they had a new shirt with Vanessa on it, Earlier Things on CD, same with Liberman. Rabbits and Libberman on vinyl. I didn't see any posters but maybe? They also had the Victor shirt as a baseball tee.
Also am excited this is the first show of the tour, have only gone during the middle before, don't know what to expect!
Hey guys! OMG the show was outstanding!! It started about 45 minutes late, and then she had an opening act on for about 35, but it's okay! Just hung out with some wine. I was able to nab the setlist, but left it at my boyfriends, so I'm trying to remember the order.
She started with ATM which I thought was nice, she said "let's just get this over with"
Then Carousel with Learning to Fly intro
Hands on me I think next
Guys she played Annie!!!!! I could hear her warming up and playing it before the show, but I didn't think there was any way she would. It was beautiful!
Then Who's to Say? I think?
Maybe White Houses next
She played Take it Easy then moved to Operator with no introduction
Marching Line maybe?
I know I'm missing something, her encore was Bride.
So no new songs, but she did keep saying to Skye " we gotta change this set list" so i don't know if that was her joking or if she really wants to change it. Would have loved to have heard something new, but I really loved the set. Would have been happy if she had played Best Behavior

All in all it was a great show, it was a big arts venue, and some of the seats weren't filled up, I think Ticket Master pre purchased them because they weren't available when I tried to buy tickets. Anyway, the opening act said anyone was welcome to fill up the seats. I think people were hesitant, but I said screw it, what will they do, just make us go back to our old seats? So we went from a balcony seat to front row touching the stage! It was fantastic.
She met with people after the show to sign things.
Merch they had a new shirt with Vanessa on it, Earlier Things on CD, same with Liberman. Rabbits and Libberman on vinyl. I didn't see any posters but maybe? They also had the Victor shirt as a baseball tee.