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Messages - 04jhowarth

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any of you watched ? The song in there sounds AMAZING. I hope it's not just an instrumental and that it will be on ROTR :)

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Re: "Rabbits on the Run" Thread
« on: February 18, 2011, 06:17:24 pm »
oh :( I thought it was put up and then taken down ha, silly me. I was going to make a story from it, some sort of ~secret code ha, oh well. It'll be a nice surprise when it's released :D not long I hope :D

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Re: "Rabbits on the Run" Thread
« on: February 18, 2011, 02:43:05 am »
Will anyone kindly email me the song list in the correct order please? :)

I think this version of Fair-Weather friends is more lullaby-ish, it's still really pretty, but much more soothing.

Vanessa Songs / Lyrics / Sheet Music / First single
« on: February 17, 2011, 07:35:38 pm »
What do you think would make the best single?

Personally I think IDWTBAB would be the best one to kick start the whole promotion side of things, and then lead into other songs. Thoughts?

Fair-Weather friends has been transposed into a lower key, as opposed to the recording from 2009, probably so it's easier to sing :)

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Re: How you want/imagine "Rabbits"
« on: February 17, 2011, 07:03:34 pm »
Imagine what (if there are any) B-sides will be on the first single :D maybe All Is Well? I don't think it would fit on the album, which is probably why so many B-sides exist from many other artists :D I really hope that song from Irv Gotti's TV show is on, it's just, perfect.

star2b711: I'm so jealous right now, I'd have fallen weak at the knees and just burdened her with a million and one questions! Was this before/after her surgery? I don't see how that's relevant, but I'm just too curious :)

WhiteRabbit: Me neither and I'm glad to have had such a warm welcoming :) g'night!

ha. He's best known as Captain Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek: The Next Generation :)

star2b711: :O! No. Way! I guess that you live in Florida then? I'm totally jealous that you saw her whilst she was going about her daily life! What was she doing? Obviously shopping if she was in the mall, but :O who was she with?! Details, details, details! (as you can see, BIG fan right here :D)

WhiteRabbit: ha, I've always wanted to be considered as a 'Vanessa YouTube page' like kamibutterfly713 etc :) hope you like it! And Heckmondwike, yeah, it's pretty small, nothing much going on. RANDOM FACT: Birstall, inbetween Heckmondwike and Leeds, is where Joseph Priestley: Discoverer of Oxygen was born :) and Mirfield, also close to Heckmondwike is where Sir Patrick Stewart is from. Knowing this information concludes I have no life :)

Sounds like the college I attended, just crap. And I hope you were on a break/not started yet; I think your management would consider it bad form to be on NessaHolics during your shift.

And all is forgiven, and I hope I do get more replies, just to prove that people read my 11 line essay about my life and LOLd. :)

Oh, my God; tell me about it! Just opening a window and being able just to hear the wind. No traffic, no people. Just, perfection. It's so lonely, but like V stated in an intro for All Is Well, a comforting melancholy. That totally sounds like she said it and I agree, but long before I've always found being alone so comforting :)

Oh dear, what were you studying?

Vanessa Songs / Lyrics / Sheet Music / Re: Favourite live performance?
« on: February 16, 2011, 09:18:44 pm »


The tone of the piano is beautiful, and her voice so soft, yet her lyrics so meaningful. Afterglow is one of my favourite Vanessa songs. And HAWBTW also has beautiful, vivid lyricism.

Introduce Yourself / Re: Bonjour! Guten Tag! jambo! Basically, hello :)
« on: February 16, 2011, 09:05:17 pm »
Unfortunate. Think I'll go to sleep at 7 and wake up at 7 tonight. What a slobbish/drop-out thing to do. And Heckmondwike, she sure would, plenty of mysterious places 'up North' to ponder upon. What sort of work requires one to be awake at this time in the morning?!

Introduce Yourself / Re: Bonjour! Guten Tag! jambo! Basically, hello :)
« on: February 16, 2011, 08:57:16 pm »
It sure does, shouldn't you be in bed?! Should ask myself the same thing really. And I'm from Heckmondwike, a shitty little town near Leeds. This country is SHIT, but I love it :) home sweet home.

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