star2b711: :O! No. Way! I guess that you live in Florida then? I'm totally jealous that you saw her whilst she was going about her daily life! What was she doing? Obviously shopping if she was in the mall, but :O who was she with?! Details, details, details! (as you can see, BIG fan right here

WhiteRabbit: ha, I've always wanted to be considered as a 'Vanessa YouTube page' like kamibutterfly713 etc

hope you like it! And Heckmondwike, yeah, it's pretty small, nothing much going on. RANDOM FACT: Birstall, inbetween Heckmondwike and Leeds, is where Joseph Priestley: Discoverer of Oxygen was born

and Mirfield, also close to Heckmondwike is where Sir Patrick Stewart is from. Knowing this information concludes I have no life