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Messages - coldyoungheart

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 13
Creative Endeavors / Re: My Vanessa Carlton Piano Instrumentals
« on: March 03, 2020, 06:07:06 pm »
Just uploaded a piano instrumental for The Only Way to Love - check it out here:
As always your covers are absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for sharing  :D

Vanessa Songs / Lyrics / Sheet Music / Re: Salesman
« on: February 26, 2020, 06:15:36 am »
I did! I pre-ordered the album on iTunes, so I got a notification when it was made available (along with Miner's Canary). I made sure to download it as soon as I saw the notification because I figured it was a mistake or something. I feel a little bad for Vanessa, but at least it’s not the whole album...

Live Shows / Re: 10-26-2002 and 27 shows will be out this week.
« on: January 17, 2020, 10:08:44 am »
Boom , totally forgot to do this. Look for them next week.

Nice!!!! I'm looking forward to it!

So lovely! I really can't wait for this album!!!!!!!!  :D

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Spotify - The Drop
« on: September 14, 2018, 06:04:46 pm »
Hi everyone!

Recently Spotify's The Drop did a feature on Vanessa. I'm not able to watch it because of regional restrictions (I think).

Did I miss much?

Even better, did anyone get a chance to rip it from Spotify?

Got ahold of the demo for Prince (mentioned as missing in the first post of this thread!)

Anyone know how I can get the file added there?

Wow! How did you get a hold of it? I would love to have a listen if you decide to upload it! :)

Creative Endeavors / Re: My Vanessa Carlton Piano Instrumentals
« on: June 25, 2018, 07:07:02 am »
Finally got around to learning and recording Unlock the Lock - enjoy!

(Sorry, I don't have sheet music - I had to learn it by ear.)

This is one of my favourites off of Liberman. Beautiful cover!!!!!

The 'Dreams' cover is so - excuse the pun- dreamy! I'm in love!

It's really cool getting something new every month and it's getting me super excited about the next album!

I'm loving it! Can't wait to see what she covers next!

You're welcome! :) It's a pretty good interview. It's worth the full listen! Though I have to say that even if the two other guests were interesting, I kept wishing they would would have talked less so that Vanessa could have talked more, haha.

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Re: new lyrics
« on: July 16, 2017, 02:10:50 pm »
I'm really excited about all the little snippets she's been posting lately!

I can make out 'She... once'
'Chaos is...'

Though I'm not sure if that's correct....

i thought i would make a post with links to interviews and performances that vanessa has done recently(from april & may, mostly), in case some of you don't keep up with her on twitter.

how vanessa carlton wrestled herself from the major-label machine (westword) - interview:

jamroom diaries : don't call vanessa carlton your 'honey' (jamroom) - interview :

vanessa carlton gets a second actin music as an indie troubadour (forbes) - interview :

vanessa carlton isn't some perfect piano pop-song girl (lenny) - interview :

what it's like to really start over (movers and thinkers podcast) - interview

live performance in nylon studio (nylon) - performance :

strombo show (performance and interview) - starts at 1:31:00 :

paste magazine (performance and interview) :

soul sisters podcast (interview and performance) :

if there are some that i missed, add them to the thread!

Creative Endeavors / Re: Finally released some demos on Soundcloud!
« on: April 06, 2017, 10:11:31 pm »
These are amazing! I'll definitely be back to listen again :)

Live Shows / Re: 4/3/2017 The Soiled Dove Underground, Denver CO
« on: April 06, 2017, 10:09:43 pm »
I totally agree! She has been totally off the charts this tour!

Thanks for the review :)

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