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Messages - Afterglow

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Other Musicians / Shannon Thomas
« on: June 03, 2005, 12:14:47 pm »
Be sure, only 3 years for me to be 18, so I will do everything that I wanted to do............

So, I'll see you live,
And this someday, the end of the concert, don't go away before leaving your name in my copies of your albums

Other Musicians / Missy Higgins
« on: June 03, 2005, 12:10:28 pm »
Only this week, THE SPECIAL TWO got to Brazil, it's playing at 96 FM ATITUDE...... I'm voting always and always to be on the TOP 24, Scar got to be in 14, but it was long time ago

Other Musicians / Kylie Minogue
« on: June 03, 2005, 12:08:18 pm »
The more you ask, the less I act

Other Musicians / Shannon Thomas
« on: June 03, 2005, 12:04:54 pm »
I'm so excited too.....
If I were rich, not a student and independent.. I would take my money to see you but I'm not over 18, I don't have my own money and I'm a student and I need to go to school...

it hurts me so

Congs to you

Other Musicians / Ben Moody
« on: June 03, 2005, 12:00:12 pm »
Quote from: "Vultch"
Quote from: "Afterglow"
Hate him, what he did with Evanescence, there's no pardon
He left the band when the band was needing it most
Fuck him... kill him.. hate him....

Not a fan of Terry I see. I think Terry will do a good job with Ev.

Someone had to leave. There was too much conflict. Would you rather Amy left instead? She could have been the one to leave, go solo and it would have been the end of Evanescence. Instead Ben left so Evanescence could stay together and now he shall bring forth the pop metal. :twisted:

Man, I'm not a poser, I'm not only fan of Amy Lee, I'm fan of Terry, Rocky, Will and John... and I think it's better Ben away from Evanescence, but he couldn't leave the band in that moment, he could wait and so leave it. Secondly, he did follow Avril Putine, and there's no pardon again

Oh... I see someone has discoverd my secret

Okay, if you think it's correct... think it

But the Brazilian here it's me,

Other Musicians / Kylie Minogue
« on: May 29, 2005, 10:32:34 am »
Uh... Your words, it lies so deep
EVERY MOMENT is away from it

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / UK Top 140 Airplay Chart
« on: May 29, 2005, 10:28:57 am »
Me too...

It`s been too long, but it`s out now... let`s celebrate

The Translation is totally wrong

Other Musicians / Kylie Minogue
« on: May 28, 2005, 07:13:57 am »
She's so kind of it

See this shit I found
Hhahahahahaaha, A Brazilian tried to translate white houses to portuguese

Casas brancas

Bateu no chão quando eu me movi
Este pequeno bangalô com alguns amigos novos estranhos
Fico acordada muito tarde, e eu estou muito magra
Nós prometemos um ao outro é até o fim
Agora nós estamos girando garrafas vazias
São os cinco de nós
Com olhar masculino. Garotas morrem por confiar
Eu não posso resistir ao dia
Não, eu não posso resistir ao dia
Jenny grita e é nenhuma pose
Pois quando ela dança ela bota para quebrar
Cerveja pelo nariz em uma piada interior
Eu sou tão entusiasmado, eu não falei
E ela está tão bonita, e ela está tão segura
Talvez eu sou mais inteligente que uma menina como ela
O verão é todo em flor
O verão está terminando logo

Está certo e é bom saber que não estou só
Mas eu me agarro aos seus segredos nas casas brancas

Talvez eu esteja meio embaralhada
Eu venho inacabada às coisas que ele disse
E ele é tão engraçado na camisa vermelha luminosa dele
Nós estávamos todo apaixonados e todos nós nos pusemos feridos

Eu me movo furtivamente no assento de couro preto do carro dele

O cheiro de gasolina no calor de verão
Menino, nós estamos indo muito depressa
É tudo muito bom para acabar

Está certo
E eu me pus nas mãos dele
Mas eu me agarro aos seus segredos nas casas brancas
Amor, ou algo acende em minhas veias
E eu peço que nunca acabe nas casas brancas

Minha primeira vez, duro de explicar,
Saiu um pouco de sangue, oh, e um pouco de dor
Em um dia nublado, é mais comum que você pensa
Ele é meu primeiro engano

Talvez vocês todos sejam mais rápido que eu
Eu os deixo tão facilmente
Estas pequenas feridas tolas nunca repararão
Eu sinto assim longe donde eu fui
Assim eu vou, e eu não voltarei de novo
Eu já fui enquanto o dia está termninando nas casas brancas
Eu minto, ponho, escondo meus erros
Em meu coração estão os cinco de nós
Nas casas brancas

E você, talvez você se lembrará de mim
O que eu dei é seu para manter
Nas casas brancas
Nas casas brancas
Nas casas brancas

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / UK Top 140 Airplay Chart
« on: May 28, 2005, 06:18:11 am »
Quote from: "Si_duffers!"
Quote from: "Afterglow"
What? This list is so old...

Nelly Furtado with I'M LIKE A BIRD
Natalie Imbruglia with TORN

Guy, it must be so old

Or you must be stupid

Hm... yeah, I think so

General Vanessa Carlton Discussion / Oh the news, it lies so deep
« on: May 28, 2005, 05:36:17 am »
Hey, I'm here again and again
So, there's a fucking radio here in Brazil that joked with Vanessa's name...
And I'm so furious...

The speaker said

" Now you're going to listen to a song called " WHITE HOUSES " from Vanessa Carlton " and the song start to play, but he stopped it and said

Hm, before we play the song, Vanessa's new album was so weak and didn't get to sell very much as before with BE NOT NOBODY

She tried to be famous here in Brazil with 3 concerts and she also did a peformance in CALDEIRÃO DO HUCK TV SHOW, but all of it was for nothing, so listen to the song and see if you like it.. if you do, buy it.. she really needs"
And he still laughs about it... FUCK HIM"

And when the song finished, he said...

Did you like it?

Fuck him 1000 times.

Completely Off-Topic / Can somebody please help me?
« on: May 28, 2005, 05:30:09 am »
This is so kind

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