Yesterday (which was Britney Spears' 26th birthday by the way), my friend and I went to In N Out and guess who was ordering right in front of us? Yup, Cindy effing Crawford.
It was so funny because she was with her husband and there was no one else around, but I thought to myself, "Hmm.. that woman resembles Cindy Crawford." But I didn't think that it actually WAS her at all. I was just secretly being jealous that this random nobody was lucky enough to look like Cindy Crawford.
Then after she was done ordering, she turned and walked away and I told my friend, "That girl looks like Cindy Crawford." And he was like, "Ugh. No..."
And I kept arguing with him saying, "OMG yes she does!" Keep in mind that this whole time I still didn't even know it really was her.
Then she sort of scratched her face on the left side and my friend jokingly said, "She just scratched her mole," and we laughed. Meaning... she would be scratching a mole if it were really Cindy and she really had a mole.
But then she turned to the side, AND SHE TOTALLY HAD A MOLE! Hahahahaha. Seriously, I wish I had that moment caught on tape. Because my friend was totally kidding when he said that she was scratching her mole and then literally right after, she turned to the side and we saw it. We both looked at eachother and laughed so hard!
Then we told the guy that works at In N Out, "You know that's Cindy Crawford right there." And he was like, "Ha yea I noticed."
Then the guy behind was like, "I knew it was her!"
She was waiting FOREVER for her food and while she was waiting, a guy went up to her and was like, "Are you Cindy Crawford?" And she was like, "I am." Then he asked to take a picture and she did.
My friend would NOT let me take a picture with her! I was sooo mad! He said he didn't want to bother her, ugh. I seriously was so mad at him.
We left and went to the gas station across the street, but we could still see her. She actually stayed and ate there (the seating is outside). And then they got in the car (a bentley) and got on the freeway towards LA.
So random. She was beautiful by the way. She was wearing skinny jeans, light purple ballet slippers, a white shirt and a black sweater. And she was wearing sun glasses. If anyone cares...