So last night my friend posted on her facebook a song that had been stuck in her head. She found it after weeks. I'd been waiting. What I'd heard of the song she played was stunning.
When I clicked on it, though, I wasn't expecting much. A little piano. Maybe a girl who isn't quite the best singer? I wasn't sure. So I did.
My jaw dropped. I was hearing music that I, for a few seconds, I swore was made for me to hear it. The instrumentals were all that had played. I thought the band was a classical group or something. But no, the shock wasn't over. The man (who either IS Damien Rice [don't love his music much] or sounds just like him) began singing and I gasped the largest gulp of air my lungs had ever taken in. It was amazing. A very mellow, independent alternative voice infused throughout with amazing orchestra pieces. Amazing is not nearly intense enough to cover it.
So without further rambles, I will give you the Myspace of this magnificent, brilliant, stunning (kinda) new band, Other Lives
Click here.