You don't know my reasons for wanting to move to New York. I wanna get away from all this shit. I hate it.
I love the city, not grass and the country. Downtown Louisville is awful. People who live in New York City take advantage of it. I hate Louisville. I hate Kentucky. I hate everything abut it. The fact that we're known for whipping horses every year to see which jockey gets more money. And what do the horses get? Roses. It's bullshit. We're known for KFC, too. Wooo! Ugh. It's sickening, really. What else are we known for? Oh, yes. I must have forgotten. Growing tobacco. The stuff that kills.
I sure as hell know enough about it to hate it.
There's NOTHING here - NOTHING. When was the last time you saw someone successful come out of Louisville, that moved back to Lousville after they did what they had to to become famous? No one. Everyone realizes how suck-ass Louisville is and knows that they never have to come back again.
I hate our accents. I hate the fact that I know people who have relatives that live in trailors. I hate the fact we don't have a Major League Baseball team and I don't feel like driving and hour and a half out of my way to a city I should be living in but my Dad's a jackass, to see a team that's not even my homecity's own. I hate the fact that our mayor has been our mayor for 10,000 years. I hate the fact that I've seen about 3 businessmen downtown in my life. You'd never hear anyone say "Oh, when I grow up I want to move to Kentucky!" They don't, 'cause who would?
The only thing I'd miss would be my friends. But they can always come to visit.
That's why I want to move to New York. Is it a good enough answer, for you?