Author Topic: Ween  (Read 2141 times)


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« on: September 18, 2003, 06:06:52 am »
I'm going to see them 2night in Dallas. Has anyone else even heard of them? They have been around and touring since 1989. They had one radio hit that had the chorus of "Push th' little daisey's and make'em come up". Anyway, they are crazy! I love their music. They use all these electronic devices to make their voice really high and really low. You should go buy the cd Pure Guava before any of the others if you don't have any of their cd's.

Their songs titles are all kinds of messed up. You won't know what to think of most of them. For example they have a song called "Piss up a Rope". That was actually from a cd where they decided to cover an entire Marlboro cigs "greatest country and western hits" and these guys are soooo not country, they are just nuts! Just type in Ween on your computer and it will take you to a zillion places to listen to their music.

their website is

"The crows seemed to be calling his name thought Caw..."