ok, i'm not a good poet! (which is why i almost never show anyone my poems and songs). but in honor of tomorrow i thought i'd post this poem i wrote on 9-11-01. i'm kinda proud of it, my friend in nyc read it to a group of firefighters a week after the tragedy and they cried. so i guess if it meant something to them it's ok, right? my friend just called me and asked if she could read it for this opening prayer she has to read at a ceremony tomorrow and i was typing it up and thought i'd post it here. well anyways... here it is!
September Eleventh
The day was eerie, the day was long
I can't help but think about all that is gone
The towers once stood so proud and so tall
But on September 11th they came to their fall
We must remember the many that died on that day
For no reason at all they had their lives whisked away
That morning we woke thinking all would be good
Not knowing there soon would be ruble where two buildings once stood
Our lives are forever changed from that day
In our minds the visions over and over replay
We saw the flames, we saw the smoke
For many it was to those visions that we woke
Together as a nation we must come as one
To make sure this evil is forever done
We must now hope and we must pray
That we never again see a day like that day.