A trip to London. And maybe a bathrobe lol
lol that is funny....like extreme opposites.
Hehe. Well, I don't want much. All I want is a promise from my parents that they'll pay me a trip to London some time next year (or when Nessa plays there again!). I just want to make sure I don't miss it
Nerea: i will buy you a trip to London! lol, you can come out with me and we can go pick up english fittays! Ooh i know, we could have a fittay exchange. Like the school ones but you come here, we partay- you get an english fittay. I go there, we partay- i get a spanish fittay. Sound good!? YAY!
Sounds more than good, dear, sounds woooonderful!! *mmmm English fittays... :wink: *
(i'd recommend you come either this weekend - party of the medicine faculty! -, next week - huuuge 24h uni party with thousands of ppl in bilbao - or the week after that - LAW FACULTY BALL *yaaaaaaaay* )
PS: that means: GET MOVING!!!
you two and your damn fittays...lol