haha that's really weird, because i also just signed up to give blood. i'm not scared, mainly because when i had a ski accident a couple of years ago they had to take blood every half an hour. i got so used to it that i could sleep through them taking blood. so now i'm thinking that it's my duty to give blood to save others, in case i'm ever in a situation where i need blood (or one of my loved ones needs blood). it's the karma thing. like, letting a car go before you at an intersection- i also do that in hopes that someone else will let me go later. haha. um, ok.
EDIT- my bad! good luck with your blood. i'm sure it'll be great! :-) and just think, you could be saving a life... and YOUR blood could be in someone else's body.. and that's just a litttttle weird. :-) jk. you'll do fine!