The road of love I've traveled with you
has been long-worned out and treaded
So familiar this road
we see the grooves of past lovers feet
We were different, however.
We made our own footprints in it's history
of the dirt road
I remember it like it was yesterday
when we held hands, walking down the road
We seemed so happy together.
all the sudden one day,you let go of my hand without warning and said
"Well...this is the end of our journey"
"Why"? I asked with tears brimming over
she said "I have my own path to pave... Im sorry"
I watched as she turned her back from me
slowly she faded out of the picture
and made her own way down a path in life......
a path that no longer involved us
I couldnt help but wonder who would be the next lucky person
to accompany her down that same dirt road, we once walked together?
Will he be as funny as me? good looking?
will he pick her up when she's down like me?
After days of sulking, I got up, wiped away my tears, and continued on.
until one day i saw a sillhoute(sp)of a girl waving to me
She was further down my path than i expected
she was for waving for me!
I ran towards this person...
this famliar looking person i've known for a while
but never knew there was anything there....she might be the one
(To be continued)