Won't you take me back?
It was just something to do for a few months before October,
But I'm still hanging onto you.
It's been a long time since I've inhaled Friday without you.
I want to spend time with my Scorpio.
Cold October days, I can't make them alone.
I don't mean to be so repetitive but: I will never hit you again.
I won't hurt you.
See it's these cold October days that I can't live through without you.
I've had the worst thoughts: "'Smoke Scorpio', no one will remember."
Next weekend, I'm spending time with my Scorpio.
And when you sleep, I freeze in one position,
And stare at you for hours . . .
But now, I'm just so scared that,
There's some significance in the vacancy of my bedside.
So I invited you over for a few more days by yourself.
Won't you take me back?
Et oui, elle est d'accord. But I also should have known,
When she says she'd vote for Bush and she swears she was Confirmed.
But . . . she knows and we know every lonely November,
When I can't run with my eyes open that Someone's getting older.
And Someone left me alone, but she knows.
And she knows Pete's number, so I shouldn't waste time trying.