Author Topic: Nothing  (Read 1830 times)


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« on: June 15, 2005, 10:20:57 am »

You contradicting bitch
You lying, selfish skank
How dare you say this to me
As if you will make it far
You say you'd hang yourself from a bar
If you were to take on my path
Well, get ready for the wrath
'Cause no one disrespects my brother
I don't care what your intentions were
Slander me all you want
I'm used to your rant
But my brother is off limits
Frankly, I'm sick and tired of all this shit
You crossed the line when you pushed my button
How your personality shifts is just puzzling to me
Your sweet and fun for one second, then you're cruelty
Everything must be about you doesn't it
You would just crumble and die if it wasn't
Oh the drama
Spare me
I stopped caring a long time ago
But yet I'm always here for you ya know
Attention must be your's
Bow down to the almighty queen of this land
For her future as she describes must be grand
A psychologist I see
I don't see
Not a trace
I laugh with grace
Never your's
No MD for you Madame
"Oh, I know, let's talk about me."
Yeah, sick of the subject
Aren't we?
A wise woman once said,
Success does not come with money
It comes with joy
Well, you won't get the boy
You won't get the job
You won't get the place
You won't win the race
Because in the end
You are diminished
You are finished
And me?
Well maybe I don't know right now
But I will keep discovering my reasoning how
The way I want to live
What I could perhaps give
It's not all so clear ya know
I'll figure it out although
You go on with that speech
Let's just say no one can reach
Your so-called accessible "standards"
I guess that's what you like
But whatever I choose
I'll be able to see myself in the mirror
And never feel your hidden fear
At least I hope that's the reason
That you won't be anything in life with your destructive choices
You just didn't hear what I was saying
And I'll tell you exactly where you'll be in a few years
And what will you have achieved?
"If only I could get into that corner of your head."