:!:WARNING: Will be tl;dr:!:
PS3 is an overhyped piece of crap, and with more and more of them getting to stores (and promptly collecting dust), it looks like the majority of gaming pals in the US and Japan have realised what I've been saying all along.
Out of the 3 demo kiosks I've seen at stores so far, only 1 of them wasn't frozen up, so it looks like that AAA Sony quality is back this gen.
I played some NBA game at EB, and it didn't look any better than a 360 title; in fact, it looked worse. The controller still sucks, and even the boomerang would have been better than the Dual Shock 3- (oh wait, no rumble, lol) I mean the SIXAXIS. The tilt tech wasn't implemented on that game, so I can't say much about that.
As far as games go, it has Resistance(8.6@Gamespot)... and some 360 and PS3 ports! Yey! I hear Resistance is really good, but if you're into FPS enough to consider getting a system for one game, you may as well spend that money on a 360, Gears of War(9.6@Gamespot) and a Halo 3 preorder. (which by the way, looks AWESOME) And the 2007 lineup is looking meh too, minus MGS4 and White Knight Story. It's not a good investment now, but maybe a couple of years down the line, with a bigger library of games and a hefty price cut.
The Wii is doing very well, and it could very well take Nintendo back to being #1 in consoles and handhelds. Right now, the games I'm into are Zelda: Twilight Princess and the "Wiimake" of Trauma Center. Look for Metroid Prime and Mario Galaxy to complete the Big N's trifecta of gaming goodness this year, along with Smash Brothers and other games. The motion tech will be used better here, because hey, it was Nintendo's idea first.
There's no denying that the 360 is a FPS platform with plentty more on the way, but there's enough for fans of other genres to check it out.
Sports- Madden, NCAA, NBA, baseball
Action- Dead Rising
Fighting- Virtua Fighter 5! Hopefully Soul Calibur 4 as well *_*
Racing- NFS Carbon, Forza 2
RPG- Lacking here, but Oblivion is the shit, and Blue Dragon is on the way. Enchanted Arms is more or less 360's Sudeki. With Bioware and Bethesda backing them, expect original content (Mass Effect <3) as well as returning franchises (Jade Empire).
Like my boy kulpdogg, I'm a Wii60 fan, and I know you can tell. XD