Partly the reason why there were so many drunks and idiots around was because of the venue. I haven't been there myself, but when I told my sister that Vanessa was playing at the Plaza, she told her it was a step down from what she usually does.
Secondly, you have to understand that she's not as big here as she apparently is in the States. I haven't heard anything about Heroes and Thieves here, apart from the tiny review here and there, and "Nolita Fairytale" isn't even on the radio. A lot of people don't know about her new stuff.
Finally, the show itself wasn't promoted hugely around here. There were a few posters up in some spots, but I myself didn't see or hear any advertising for it.
Vancouver's not a bad city to play in, really. I truly hope she does come back here so I can at least see her play live once.