Author Topic: A Drama  (Read 1931 times)


  • You're a Genuine Wannabe
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A Drama
« on: July 20, 2007, 08:36:09 pm »
This is he first and 2nd chapter to something somone i know started....

Isaac Dumars opened his eyes and inadvertently let the sun in. Groggily, he raised his arm to shield himself from the rays of light. Shifting his attention to the nightstand at his left, he rubbed his eyes and stared at the clock. 6:30 AM. At least four hours than when he normally got up all summer. Must. Fight. It. He thought as he pushed himself up. Finally, he sat with his back to the wall. One week.

He crawled out of the mess of covers to the foot of his bed and swung his feet over so they were parallel with the ground. Again, he rubbed his eyes to remove blurry mid-morning vision. Finally, he stood and stretched, yawning as he did so. He then looked over at the 95’ Compaq computer, cursing it under his breath.

Walking out into the second story hallway of his house, he quietly stared into his parents room. For the first time in a long time, he actually woke up before both his parents. Smiling to himself he walked into the kitchen.
The quant little kitchen was very cozy. Swinging open the refrigerator door, Isaac immediately reached for the bologna. He stopped short when he remembered that it was actually too early for lunch. Opting for cereal, he grabbed the milk and pulled a box of Cheerios out of the cupboard. He almost chose to turn on the television to watch Sportscenter, but figured it would just wake up his parents.

Isaac pulled out a bowl and poured his cereal and milk into it, then set the bowl on the counter. He then opened the front door and stepped into the bright sunlight. Squinting, he stood at the top of his porch scanning the front lawn for the White Pines Messenger. Finally, is eyes rested on it laying on the curb. Lazy paperboys. He thought as he shuffled out to grab the rolled up paper.

As he bent to pick it up, he saw a figure in the distance. Isaac hurried back in, realizing that he had gone outside clad only in a pair of boxers.
After quickly scanning the paper for any actually interesting stories, Isaac threw it to the side and shifted his attention to his cereal. He chewed slowly, enjoying the cereal and contemplating what he would do for the last week
before his sophomore year began.

After five minutes of simultaneous thinking and eating, he rested on the decision to call his friends and set up a end of summer video game night, a tradition that held strong with the four of them.
Smiling, he began to sip his milk. A loud tap on the window behind him made him spit it out. Turning, he saw the laughing face of a close friend, Katherine Feely. Isaac immediately blushed at the realization that an actual girl that wasn’t his mother was staring at him in his PJ's. Thinking quickly, he put one finger up and ran into his room.

He slid into a pair of jeans and began to reach for a shirt. He froze when he heard Katherine’s voice.

“You know, if you leave your front door unlocked, someone could come in and kill you,”

Well, at least I put pants on first, He thought as he slowly turned to face her. “Yeah…about that,” he couldn’t help but check her out in her short jogging shorts and tank top. The darkness of her outfit contrasted perfectly with her lily white skin. She could easily make any man’s knees buckle. But as wonderful as she always looked, Isaac always thought of her as a sister, or rather, a very good friend, as it would be incredibly out of the ordinary for one to stare at his sister like that.

“Don’t worry. I’m not out to kill you,” she smiled, then turned serious, “yet,” Isaac’s eyes turned fearful for a moment, then back, as she laughed and playfully slapped him on the chest.

“As fun as it is talking about killing me in my room, may I ask, Katharine, why you’re here?”

“Well…you know what today is, right?”

“Uh…,” he thought as he began to watch her eyes wander down to his flat stomach. He wasn’t the most muscular guy in the world, but he had slimmed down over the summer, wanting to at least have a shot at a relationship in his sophomore year of high school. “George Washington’s Birthday?” he threw something out just to get her attention,”

She blushed as she brought her eyes up to look at him, “No silly,” she smiled again, causing Isaac’s heart to flutter, “It’s the annual cookout!”

“Right. That,” there was a hint of disdain in his voice.

“…And” she began, then paused, looking for words, “I thought it would be cool if we went together,” she bit her bottom lip.

I get it…, he thought, she’s pulling the old bait and switch move, seeing if I would ever think of dating her. That or-,

“Plus, my mom won’t let me go alone,” she continued.

Right. She needs a chaperone. What was he thinking anyway? It would be like dating his sister, or a really close friend. “I don’t know…,” he muttered.

“Well, it’s really important to me…, and, well let’s just leave it at that,”

“Ah,” he feigned sympathy, “Does someone have a secret they want to tell me?”

She bit her bottom lip again, “Well…So there’s this guy, and he’s really cute and-,”

“Names,” Isaac demanded.

“Isaac, don’t make-,”

“See Kat, if I don’t know who you are talking about, I can’t help you,”

She sighed. “Trevor Dylan,”

“The captain of the JV football team?”

“Yeah. See, we talked a lot over the summer, but he never really made a move, and I really like him, and-,”

“Alright calm down. I’ll go,”

She squealed “Thank you, sooo much!” She jumped forward and wrapped her arms around him. He slowly moved his hands to hug her, but then grabbed her waist and pushed her away so he could look into her eyes.

“You know you owe me big time for this,” he said.

She raised up on her tiptoes and pecked him on the cheek. “I know,” she said, then ran from the room, saying over her shoulder, “Pick me up at five!”
Isaac just stood in the middle of his room with his hand on his cheek.


  • You're a Genuine Wannabe
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A Drama
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2007, 08:36:49 pm »
I swapped Isaac for Nathan.. same person new name ;)

The hours of the day passed slowly, as Isaac thought about the event that had transpired that same morning. It was know 4:30 PM. Well, I have to do something to pass the time, he thought. Picking up the phone he called George Williams, one of the three that he wanted to have over for a night of video gaming.

Two rings passed and George answered, “Yo,”

“Hey, man, It’s Isaac,”

“Sup dude? Haven’t heard from you all summer. You coming to the cookout tonight?”

“Wouldn’t normally, but I’m kind of getting dragged there by Katharine,”

“Ah. Hot date with the best friend, huh?”

“Hah, couldn’t be farther from it. Actually she needs someone to give her a ride there so she can work her magic on Trevor Dylan,”

“Well, wish her luck on that,” he chuckled.

“I don’t think that it’s impossible, she said that they have talked a lot over the summer,”

“Yeah. So, did you just call to talk about your jealousy of Trevor, or did you have something more important to talk about?”

Isaac gulped, “Funny. I’m falling in love with my best friend, maybe I should see Sigmund Freud!”

“What, so he can tell you to pursue your mother?”

They both laughed. “Anyway, on to business. The first day of school. After it gets out, I think that you, me, Vince, and, John should get together and play a few video games that night. Maybe go till like noon the next day?”

“I don’t know, do you really think that you can stay up that long?”

Sensing the unknowing perversion in George’s question, Isaac stifled a laugh by coughing. “Sure. I’m always the one that lasts the longest,” this time George caught it, and they shared another laugh. “Alright man, tell the other guys. I’ve got to go pick up Queen Katharine,”

“Aight. You have fun,”

“I’ll try to. Talk to you later,”


Isaac hung up the phone and sighed. Was he really falling in love with Katharine? Or was it just raging teenage hormones? Whatever the answer, he had to go and pick her up anyway.

He pulled off his white shirt and put on a black one with The words; “Minutes to Midnight,” on the front. Ironically, he would be wearing his Linkin Park shirt, in Lincoln Park, the vast site of the annual White Pines cook out. “I’m going mom!” He yelled over his shoulder as he walked out the front door to his black mustang.

Buckling his seatbelt, he turned it on, and pulled out of the Cul de Sac that he lived in. He smiled as he listened to Green Day on his CD player. This is the life. Driving a Mustang, listening to rock music, about to pickup the most beautiful girl-, a look of confusion appeared on his face. Beautiful? Did he just say beautiful? No…that can’t, I…can’t, he changed the song to Holiday and drove thoughtlessly to Katharine’s house.

Coincidently, he had never been inside it. It was a nice, one story house, blue, and with a basketball court out front. He parked the mustang and walked up to her door. Before he could knock, the door opened and Katharine quickly pushed past him. “What-,”

“Let’s go,” she said.


She turned, tears streamed down her face. A red mark was on her right cheek.


She just shook her head.

“C’mon,” Isaac said. He put his hand on the small of her back and led her to the car.

They didn’t speak for the majority of the drive. When they were a couple of miles away from the fair, Katharine spoke, “She hit me,”

Isaac nearly lost control of the car. “What?” he asked in disbelief.

“My mom…we got into a fight, and she…,” Katharine stopped and wiped a tear away from her left eye. She turned to face him. By now, the red marked had faded, making it look like half her face were blushing.

“I don’t know what came over her,” Katherine continued, “We…we were just talking about…well, you, and-,”

“Wait, what? Me?” Isaac took a left turn and parked in an abandoned lot. He unbuckled his seat belt so he could face her.

“I…don’t really want to talk about it,” she began to stare at the floor, while drawing imaginary circles on the leather seat with her finger.

“Look. Kat, if you don’t want to go…, we can hang out. Maybe go to Grand Arbor and see a movie?”

“No…I, I just want to talk to someone,”

There’s someone right here! He thought.

“I need to talk to Trevor. Maybe he’ll know what to do,”

Isaac felt anger rise over him. There was no need for her to talk to Trevor when he was right there. He felt like saying something, but then just slouched in his seat, staring out at the empty warehouse in front of them.

“Can we just go?” she said sternly.

Saying nothing, Isaac turned the car back on and peeled out of the lot.
Through five more minutes of wordless driving, Katharine could never look him in the eye. After what seemed like ages, the jubilation of the fair appeared in plain sight of them. Isaac parked to the side and unlocked the door.

Katharine opened the door, as Isaac just sat, staring at the steering wheel. She turned to him, “Are you coming?”

Not looking up, Isaac spoke in monotone, “I have to run home for a second. Don’t wait up,”

Katharine sighed, “If you don’t want to stay-,”

“I do. I just forgot something,”

“Well. I’ll just get a ride home with Trevor, okay? We might hang out afterward,”


“You know…,” she began. Not finishing, she just shook her head and slammed the door.

Isaac turned his stereo up and backed up to drive back the way he came. Finally, he approached a junction. Left took him to the Cul de Sac, right took him to Katharine’s. Not signaling, he turned right.

In the Feely driveway, he sat for five minutes, until another Feely voice jolted him from his thinking.

“Isaac Dumars!” piped up Katharine’s thirty three year old mother.

“Mrs. Feely,” Isaac acknowledged her. He opened the car door and stepped out.

“To what do I owe the pleasure?” Oddly, she actually sounded happy.

“The red mark on your daughter’s cheek,”

“Oh, that,” and it was gone.

“Why?” was all Isaac could ask.

Mrs. Feely spat onto the ground than looked up at him. “Take care of her,”


“Katharine. We…got into a fight. I got out of control. I’ll admit it. I’m not a good parent. Her father isn’t either. But she’s smart, ya know?”

Isaac nodded.

“And…I don’t want to see her knocked up at eighteen. That boy that she talks about.

Trevor what’s his face. I don’t trust him. Really, Isaac, you’re the only one that has

ever shown anything positive for her,”

“Mrs. Feely…we’re just…friends,” he said uncomfortably.

“I know, I know. Just, Isaac, watch out for her. Bring her home tonight, please,”

“I will Mrs. Feely,” Isaac just turned and opened his car door. Before he got in, he looked over his shoulder, “I promise,”