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Saturday, December 29, 2007 my songs are buyable?It's the first day back after the ranch... this is always a tough day, it's like having to wake up after having the greatest dream I have ever had...I always wish I could just fall back asleep and keep living in dream land.Today I found out that snow was "hacked" and somehow downloadable by a different sight on the net and leaked 23 times... so I decided to take matters into my own hands and make my songs downloadable and buyable. I figured I couldn't really be upset about the leak... since I hadn't made it possible to buy. But now it is, so buy it pleeease and to the guy/girl that hacked my song: I am flattered that you liked my stuff enough to hack into, but pleease buy it this time or send me a message that you want the song.thanks for your support!!!!!!xoxoGwen
Does Gwen browse this forum?I just read her blog about someone ripping "Snow" & posting it for others to download, and it got me thinking...