Hey, if I could think of a different way to implement the design, I would. I haven't even touched either page at this point.
How would you preserve the design using something other than iframes? Tables perhaps? Maybe, but I'm too lazy to do that right now. That had actually gone through my mind, because it's annoying to scroll through the tiny little window and not be able to see a full page. You can specify infinite length with tables, IIRC.
I'll screw around with it later.
I also am going to try to get the whole thing good with the w3c. LOL.
To sum it up Andrew, I'm using iframes because I'm too lazy to do better. Mandi seems to be happy with the idea, so it's going to stay that way until I get a metric ton of time (time measured in mass, I am crazy!). Maybe this weekend.
Have any suggestions on how to make the transition? I already have the site on PHP, so I could just have the index page and have a query on the link and use that to determine which server side include I am going to use. Of course, I'm sure other people on here have some better ideas, so post em!